Pitch black

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Jason McCann

The sun shone on my face making me groan and huff in annoyance, waving my hand around in the air as if it was going to make the sun go away because I absolutely hated being woken up like that. 

Pouting once I realized that my attempts at slapping the sun away was pointless, I opened my eyes and shut them again quickly because too bright and bright light no good. 

Gradually, I introduced my eyes to the sunlight until I could cope with my eyes open and looked down upon my sugarplum still peacefully sleeping in my arms. 

The sun hit his golden skin perfectly making his features stand out more, his hair was messed up cutely on the top of his head and his nose was scrunched up as if he was smelling something completely awful. 

Smiling softly, I looked out of the window and towards the sky, seeing that it was clear blue and there were birds flying into the very few clouds that were showing and for a moment it almost felt normal, it there was absolutely nothing happening out there right now. 

As if there weren't millions of freaks outside that were waiting to rip apart and eat any living thing that came into contact with them, as if there weren't people out there right now doing everything in their power to survive whatever the hell this was. 

Sighing, I looked back down at the sleeping beauty in my arms and stroked my thumb gently over his lips, his kissable, plump, pink lips and not being able to help myself, I leaned down and kissed those beautiful lips lightly before slipping out of his grasp slowly as to not wake him.

Once I was sure that Justin wasn't going to wake up just yet, I went over to my bag to get out a change of clothes, my toothbrush and a towel then walked out of the room and to the bathroom across the hall so that I could get myself cleaned up. 

I knocked on the door just in case someone was in there, but no one was so I walked in and locked the door behind me not wanting anyone to disturb me. I cleaned myself up quickly using the cold water because that's all we have and then brushed my teeth and washed my face all while I was still in the shower. I had always wondered if I was the only person or completely weird for brushing my teeth in the shower, but I am sure that other people do it too. 

Changing into a pair of sweats and a white v-neck with a pair of white supras, I ran my fingers through my wet hair before grabbing my towel and rubbed my hair with it to dry it a little then ran my fingers through it again just to tame it. 

Grabbing all of my things and walking back to the bedroom we slept in, I chuckled when I saw that Justin was still sleeping like the dead. 

No pun intended. 

Putting my things away, I walked over to Justin and sat next to him and I just stared at him for a minute or so, running the tips of my fingers over his baby soft skin, "Wake up baby." I whispered into his ear kissing it after.  

I saw him smile a little but then his face went back straight and I knew he was awake, "I know you're awake." I chuckled, but he just kept on 'sleeping.'

Nodding to myself, I got onto the bed fully and threw my one leg over him and sat on his stomach so that I was straddling him, but stubbornly he still kept his eyes closed.

"Alright you asked for it." I muttered then started tickling him mercilessly, his face turned red as he tried to keep his laughs in, but failed when I started to tickle him harder.

Justin laughed loud and it probably echoed around the whole house, but I didn't care because his laugh was so addictive and beautiful to listen to. I myself, chuckled while watching him squirm underneath me. 

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