"Are you guys going to stand there all night?" he shouted and it caused Madi to jump spinning around.

"Oh, then," she said looking at him and then at me. "Let's go"

She walked ahead of me into death- I mean to the car, and Lucas open the door for her. The back door.

I groaned.

I walked over, more slowly than I anticipated, and ambled over to the other side. The next back door. However, Lucas stepped to the front passenger side and open it.

"I prefer to not feel like a chauffeur," he said, his eyes slowly raking down my body and back to my face. I wanted to say that it felt creepy, but somehow, it felt familiar.

I stepped to the door and slid in before he shut the door and walked over to the driver's side.

He got in the car, his eyes coming to me again. This time it made me raised a brow at him in question. This made him shook his head and put the car in reverse.

Madi slid over into the middle, "Hello". I knew she was trying to break the tension between us, but I also knew her attempt was futile.

Lucas gripped the steering wheel tighter, still not bothering to answer her. So, I cleared my throat.

"Can you tell us where it is?" I asked him as he put it in drive.

"Her house" he answered clipped.

"Thanks" I spat and turned so that I was facing towards the window.

I took that as a sign of him in his mood and decided to tune him out. It made me start to wonder why I even opted to come to the party in the first place. His visit to my room was sweet and sincere and now he comes here with such a mean attitude.

It was annoying.

I really was debating if I should just ask him to drop me back home.

We rode for a while before coming to a beach house. It was huge and had a pool that started from the front door and I assumed ended somewhere in the back.

"Woah," Madi said as we jumped out of the car. It was already crowded and everyone seemed to be having a grand time.

It was way different than I thought it would be for sure.

Lucas walked quickly in front of us, completely ignoring us and that made an image of Oscar flash in my head. The one where he would put his arm around us and walk with us inside.

I shake my head to forget the thought. He was not your friend anymore, Raine.

"You make yourself comfortable" Lucas shouted to us as we stepped into the house. He disappeared right after that. My guess was to make sure he wasn't seen coming into the house with us by his peers as well as Sally.

Insert rolled eyes here.

I turned to Madi at the same time she turned to me, "Drinks" we both said and then burst out laughing as we linked arms and walked to where we thought the kitchen was.

If Lucas was going to act like a jerk then fine, but I was going to enjoy this night.


The party was going on like any other party. People were drinking what they weren't supposed to be drinking. There were some dancing on the floor, others were smoking, playing games, and then you had those who were disappearing into rooms.

I haven't seen the birthday girl and I wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing because I haven't seen Lucas either.

I tried to ignore the fact that I was actually looking for him by drinking and dancing, but there was only so much drinking and dancing I can do.

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