Happy birthday love!

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"Wh-What this place? It's so nice and fancy! We could have eaten at a cheaper place." I felt bad they will have to spend a lot of money on me since this restaurant is super expensive. Excuse me, $50 for a meal?!?

"It's okay it is for your birthday after all!" They smiled at me which I thanked them for bringing me here.

I really am thankful for my parents being so kind and thoughtful but at the same time I still felt very frustrated since they wouldn't let me continue working with Twice. Although I am a bit too exhausted to argue with them and especially on my birthday so I will bring it up to them next time.

"Y/N how are your studies going?" My dad asked me.

"It is going well and I am almost ready to graduate!" Aside from the fact I am feeling a bit too pressured because I don't know what I will be doing after college.

"We will make sure to visit you for your graduation! You can do it we are proud of you!" They said to me which made me smile.

"Thank you! I would really appreciate that" They nodded at me. A few minutes later our food finally arrived and we all started eating.

After eating we talked a bit more and then they drove me back to school to finish the rest of the day. I didn't wanna go back to school but I had no choice.

"Y/N happy birthday once again! We will try to visit you again soon!" My mom said to me as she rolled down the window.

"Bye Y/N!" My father waved also through the window.

"Bye thank you for the lunch!" I waved back at them and waited for them to drive away.

I sighed while walking back to class, "Just a few more hours of school and then I will finally be able to go home." After today I think I might go to the store to buy ingredients. I'd like to call it a mini treat for myself.

It's just my birthday so I shouldn't be so overly excited today. I don't have any plans since I believe everyone is busy today. After school I said bye to my friend, as I walked outside of school I turned to my body guard.

"Hey Moonbyul" I went up to her.

"Yes Y/N?" She looked at me confused but still with a serious face.

"Would you like to eat dinner with me tonight? I am thinking of cooking dinner and I don't have any other plans to do tonight." At least then maybe my birthday won't be so lonely.

"Yeah sure that would be nice" She replied to me as she nodded.

"Oh and by the way if you'd like you can try to bring that "friend" of yours over" I feel like cupid.

"Y-you mean my crush?" She looked at me startled, this was the first time I was able to see that she looked shocked.

"I think you should try to confess to her today if you feel like it, it's better to state your feelings instead of letting it linger onwards." I told her as she nodded.

"I will consider it, thank you Y/N." She said.

"That reminds me I need to go buy ingredients." I told her. I wanted to cook something tasty but I am not sure what to make yet.

"Alright we can go then." I drove us to the store and walked around.

"What should I make? Rabokki? Hmm maybe I will... I can also get delivery chicken too." I thought to myself.

After shopping I drove home and picked up the food from the trunk of the car. When I opened the door suddenly I saw Twice was there.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" There she was... I saw her holding my birthday cake... Dahyun... I missed her so much!

"We all missed you Y/N" Jihyo said to me.

"Thanks guys I really missed you too! I am so grateful you guys are all here!" I couldn't contain my happiness, I really missed them! They were like a second family to me.

"Come on let's eat all this food!" Momo said as I laughed. Although she looked at me with an uncomfortable look.

We all ate and had so much fun together. I must've forgotten how fun it was to be with them. I really do miss our time together.

Also I was really surprised to see Moonbyul's "friend" turned out to be a wonderful nice lady called Solar. I hope all goes well for them.

As time passed by Twice asked me to open their presents so I did. While I was opening the gift from Tzuyu I saw Dahyun standing up and walking away. I tried to seem unbothered since I was thanking Tzuyu for the gift.

I opened everyone's gift except for Dahyun's. Maybe she didn't give me a gift this year. I tried shrugging it off but I was really looking forward to opening her gift. Then Jihyo walked towards me and handed me a gift.

"This is from Dahyun, she made me hide it until you finished opening your other gifts." Jihyo said to me which made me confused. Why did she want me to open hers last?

The gift was a tiny box, as I opened the box I saw a only a note. That note said, "Happy birthday Y/N! Come to the balcony and your gift will be waiting for you there."

The rest of Twice waited until I looked up from the note and Jihyo pushed me to go to the balcony.

"Go to the balcony now" She said to me which made me a bit confused.

I walked upstairs to the balcony and saw Dahyun standing there. She looks so pretty and just looking at her makes my heart flutter.

"Dahyun..." I said softly to her.

"Y/N come here I have to tell you something." She took my hand and walked me to the balcony.

"Y/N happy birthday!" She said to me with her soft voice.

"Thank you but you already told me that silly!" We both giggled at each other.

She put her arms around me which startled me but I ended up hugging her back and then she spoke, "Of course I did! But what I really wanted to say was that I love you..." I felt this sudden burst of happiness.

"Dahyun... I love you too! I really do! I have been waiting these last few months to see you again and just to tell you that." I felt so flustered and excited.

"You are the only one who could make me feel as happy as I do." Dahyun didn't say anything as I think she was shocked.

We both let go and looked at each other. Then I leaned in towards her and kissed her. Once again I felt as my world lit up and that it made me even more happier that she was here with me at this moment.

"Dahyun... Will you be my girlfriend?" I finally had the guts to ask her out after all these months of waiting.

"YES! I will! I really will be your girlfriend!" I excitedly hugged her and held onto her tightly. No words could explain how I truly feel towards Dahyun but all I know is she is now mine.

We held each other's hand and walked downstairs. When we reached downstairs we saw everyone looking at us shocked.

"W-We are together now." I told everyone as they all cheered us on. I looked at Dahyun as she looked at me, I am so glad to finally be dating the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

A/N: Hello! I just wanted to remind everyone that I am still writing this story and I am planning to complete it. Although the time of completion is still unknown but we are closer to the end than the beginning of the story. I would like to thank everyone that has supported my story and I am very thankful you are taking time out of your day to read my story. I wish the best for everyone and Happy New Years! Till then see you in my next chapter! :)

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt