Chapter 2: ' I love the way you can create concepts with art'

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*this chapter is mainly to introduce most of the OC's for the story*

"Wow...  That only took you three hours?", Rosie shrieks after Freya played her the song she had been working on.

"It's not finished, there's a lot I can improve on but that's the guideline I worked out."  Freya smiles as she speaks, bathing in the compliment from her friend and now housemate.

"It's amazing, don't you have to write lyrics first?"  She asks, unsure of her knowledge.  She was studying Psychology, Art and Sociology at university, nothing musical at all.

"A lot of people do but I find it easier to write around a composition rather than compose around lyrics."  

Rosie's eyes widen, "Woah, that just got a bit too complicated, calm it down mate."  Freya laughs, staring at her sheet music, different lyrics swimming around in her head, most not fitting with the flow of her song but eligible ideas all the same.  

"D'ya know what I've always wanted to do?"  Freya mumbles, writing a couple ideas down and turning to her best friend.

"What's that then?"  Rosie asks, her voice betraying her absence from the conversation that didn't at all require, or have for that matter, all her attention as she twiddled a biro pen in her fingers and occasionally added to the doodle that was forming across her latest essay.

"I've always wanted be good at art.  I mean, people say that being able to play an instrument is one of the best skills you can have but I love the way you can create concepts with art.  You can say anything with a song, it can have a meaning that can touch people but you don't really have to look very far to find it.  With art, you can create something that says a million different things in a billion different ways."

Rosie smiles at Freya going way too deep into something that wasn't really that deep at all.

"That has nothing to do with art, that's just the way you think.  You've spent so much time being taught how to be musical that it is no longer very creative for you.  Everything you just described can be done from every platform, even songwriting."

A laugh bubbles from Freya, "This is way too deep for a Saturday afternoon."  She says, writing in her notebook.

Rosie laughs too, enjoying the quality time with her best friend.

"Did you tell Josh about goin' Nandos next week?" She asks, putting pen to paper and actually adding to her essay.

"Yeah, he rang yesterday, said all the guys were in except Harry.  He's in Guernsey.  So it's me, you, Joshua, Ethan, Simon, Vikkles, Tobi, JJ, Cal 'n' Cal, Sarah, Kimberly and Bronagh.  God, that's a lot.  We're too popular!"

"I thought Bron said she couldn't go?" Rosie mumbles, internally giving up on the essay.

"She did, I bribed her.  Said I'd get Josh to give her a foot rub."

Rosie raises and eyebrow, "Why Josh?"

"Because Josh gives the best foot rubs ever..."


"Oh my God, you weren't lying.  This is amazing." Rosie lets out a groan of happiness.  Freya feels disgusted by it.

"Please don't orgasm whilst my boyfriend is touching you.  You're making me feel sick." Josh bursts out laughing as he continues to rub his hands over Rosie's feet, who opens her eyes and glares at Freya.  

It's then that Bronagh walk through the door, her thick Irish accent present as she speaks, "I can hear you too, it's disgusting.  It's only a foot rub."

"Nah mate.  It's great.  Just you wait." Another groan escapes her lips and Josh pulls his hands away leaning against Freya's legs as she sits on the sofa behind him.

"You're scaring me now." Josh says, a playful smile on his face.  He sits down, instead of squatting, and leans his full weight against Freya's legs, tilting his head back into her lap and closing his eyes.

"I'm tired." He mumbles, seeming to be half asleep already as Freya runs her hand through his soft hair, she leans down pressing her lips softly to his forehead.

"Go to sleep then." She whispers, receiving a quiet hum in return.


"Callum!  Get back here you ass hole!" Kimberly screams as she chases Cal through his apartment.

"No, I didn't mean it!" He shouts back running as fast as he can, to the only place he can get.  Harry's vacant room.

He slams the door behind him, falling down it but making sure to keep it firmly shut.  Breathing deeply in and out, he doesn't hear his girlfriend's footsteps by the door until the loud banging of her fist connecting with the wood startles him to oblivion.

"Fucking hell Kim!  You scared the shit out of me."

He hears her cackle like an evil witch.

"Get out here and help me pick egg shell out of my hair please."


Kim was now sat on the kitchen counter, Cal stood between her legs.  Her head is down as her boyfriend combs his hand through her long black hair, with red highlights, picking out small pieces of eggshell amidst the sticky whites and yolk of egg.

"I really didn't mean to hit you." Cal says, his voice leaking sincerity as he runs his hands down her arms until he reaches her hands and intertwined them with his own.  Kimberly looks up, smiling like an idiot.

"I know." She leans up and forward pecking his lips but only just reaching because of their one foot height difference that is still present when she is up on the counter.

The next kiss is longer, but just as sweet and involves Cal leaning down and mumbling about how small she is.

"I'm not that small." She says, a pout present across her face.  

Cal smiles, letting out a breathy chuckle, "I know twelve year olds taller than you."

"Fuck off." She says, though smiling as she hops off the counter and heads towards the bathroom to have a shower and wash her hair.

"Love you." Cal calls after her with a cheeky grin.  She simply sticks a tongue out and carries on walking, before reaching the bathroom door and shouting it back.

Cal smiles, he honestly couldn't fathom a reason as to why he was so lucky.


"I love you.  So much." Josh murmurs sleepily, his head resting on Freya's chest as they cuddle together.

"Mmm.  I love you too." She leans down, learning her cheek on top of his head and closing her eyes.  Breathing in everything she loves and needs in life.

Freya was always scared of feelings, she thought it was part of her anxiety, that she would stray away from people when they started to make her feel something.  Even when she was a little girl.  All of that changed when she met Josh, she was never scared to fall for him, only scared that he wouldn't fall for her.  Emotion was something she only ever discussed with Josh, the special moments, where they would discuss everything open heartedly, were the best moments in their relationship.  The few rare moments that no-one but them would ever know about.  It made both of them feel sneaky, like they were getting more from life than others were.


Thankyou guys for all reading this story!  It means so much!  And thanks to innocentdreamz for providing the character Kimberly and letting me be in her story so go check it out!


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