Chapter 6: 'Hug me like I'm your boyfriend, Simon, not your girlfriend'

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"Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home." Kimberly sang along to her blink 182 playlist that was playing through the speakers of Cal, Cal and Harry's apartment.  She moves an antiseptic wipe over Cal's nose.

"Agh, fucking shit man!  Be careful." Cal winces, turning his head from where it lays in Kim's lap.  The sudden movement sending waves of pain through his face and head.

"I could say the same to you." Kim bites back

"Shut up, I didn't know he was angry."

"You don't know much, do you?" She smirks as she pulls his face back, ignoring his wincing as she carries on wiping his face.

"You're so childish." He mumbles, a pout present on his face.

Kim ignores his last statement, "You're cute when you pout.  You look like a puppy."

A smirk replaces the pout as the song on the speakers switches to 'this is home' and Kim immediately starts singing.

"We work and slave the day away, Were raised in perfect families, We fuck and fight like vagabonds, We dance like fucking animals."

"Too right we do!" Cal screams, starting to jiggle about like a maniac, well, as much as he can whilst laying down.  His nose is probably twice the size it normally is and is bright red as light trickles of blood drip from his left nostril.

"Be careful!  You're nose is still bleeding, and, I still want you to tell me why in hell Simon punched you?"

"I don't even know, he just flipped."


"Dude, this is sick!" Cal screams, walking into the party.  There was Simon, Ethan, Josh and Cal in the mini squad.  Cal didn't know why Ethan had come because he was in the worst mood ever and obviously wasn't going to enjoy himself.

A couple drinks and three shots later and Cal was slightly tipsy as he stumbled around looking for his friends.  He found them sat on a sofa at one side of the house and he flopped down next to Ethan, all three of them were silent.

"Hey buddy!" He shouts over the music as he flops an arm around Ethan's shoulders, he feels Simon's eyes on him but he ignores them.

Next thing he knows, he's clutching his nose as Ethan chases after Simon.  He was only having a nice conversation.  A nice, very one-sided conversation.


"That's strange," Kim says, "I'm sure you'll make up."

She leans down connecting their lips, she ignores the taste of chemicals and blood as she gets lost in the moment.  They're both distracted from the kiss by the sound of the door buzzing.

Cal groans, standing up and walking over.  He presses the mic button and asks whose there.  Getting a quick reply from Simon and Ethan, he opens the door for them to come up.

As soon as they come through the door, Kim stands, "I'm gonna leave you guys to sort this out.  Bye."

Cal nods giving her a quick kiss as she leaves, nodding at Simon and Ethan as a farewell gesture.

Ethan looks like the definition of nerves, hands shaking as he rings them together and his eyes dart anywhere but Cal, who doesn't understand why Ethan is nervous.  Simon struts to the sofa sitting down, followed by Ethan and Cal.

They sit on either side, Cal on one, Simon and Ethan on the other like two gangs going to war.  Simon and Cal having a slight face off whilst Ethan cowers next to him.

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