Chapter 22: 'I'm-going-to-dye-your-cat-red'

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*Bad, awkward, childish chapter*

"I don't want to go!" Freya whines as her and Josh trudge through the airport, both upset that their little holiday is over. Josh is more scared to go home than leave Paris because he has to face his friends and explain everything but Freya didn't seem to remember that aspect of home and was too consumed with her love of Paris to even think about it.

Josh yawns, murmuring something about coming back and having to go home because 'The Sidemen' are expected in Boston for Pax in two days. Josh was not as excited as he probably should be because he was jet lagged enough with an hour time difference from normal and he had no idea how he was going to cope with a six hour time difference.

After a relaxing, as relaxing as it could be, plane journey they land and load into a cab and Josh spent the short journey readying himself for the bombardment that was surely waiting for them when they got home.

To Josh's surprise, there wasn't anything but the sound of Simon shouting to greet them. Then he remembered that no one knew they were due back.

"There isn't anything I can fucking do, Suzie!" The shouts come from the kitchen and Josh is hesitant to stick his head round the corner.

As soon as Simon sees him he hangs up, he doesn't really care that it's rude, and runs over to Josh and hugs him tight. Then he moves on to hug Freya.

"Dude," Josh laughs, "We've only been gone for three days!"

"Yeah, but you didn't tell anyone! You just disappeared, we were worried sick, man!" Simon smiles, though he is trying to be serious.

Vikk walks down the stairs, the shouting and general loud noise disturbing his sleep.

"Does no one listen to me or something?" He grumbles walking past them and flopping onto a bar stool at the island, "Did you have a nice time?"

"Yes, thank you." Freya states politely and sitting next to Vikk.

"And," Simon starts, "What's this about you being pregnant?" Simon asks and Vikk wants to strangle him. He isn't in a good mood, if you couldn't tell and though it isn't Simon's fault that he is a) stupid and b) not in the know like Vikk but he can't help feel aggravated by him.

"She's not anymore, I'm guessing you had an abortion or something because my mum had one when I was like ten and she like didn't leave the house for months. It was horrid." Vikk supplies what he figured from the arguing and what Harry told them, and what Tobi refused to tell them, the little shit.

"Wait! How do you even?" Josh stumbles, blinking incredulously at Vikk.

"I heard you guys arguing a couple months back. Josh was all like 'I don't know.' And Freya was like, 'You look like the baby I never even saw.' It confused the shit out of me." Vikk does little hand movements to go with the speech and, after, rests his head against the cool surface of the island, wanting nothing more than to go back to bed.

"Wow." Freya mumbles, "That's pretty much right though." She confirms to Simon whose mouth goes wide and his face pales.

He's going to be sick. He launches away from the island and towards the downstairs bathroom, retching and releasing his innards into the toilet bowl.

He knew he wasn't well, he could feel it this morning when he woke up covered in a thin layer of sweat but at the time he had put it down to Ethan wrapped around him. He was wrong.

Simon knew that he couldn't afford to be ill and that he needed to sort things out but maybe he was ill because of the amount of stress that he was under. It was times like this that he wanted to go home, his parents home, and have his mum wait on him hand and foot until he was better. Being ill sucked and he knew it was only going to get worse.

He practically crawled up stairs and to his bed, laying down and falling asleep almost instantly.


Josh Zerker @ZerkaaHD

I'm back from Paris and I need to pack for Pax. Josh packs for Pax.

He throws clothes haphazardly into a suit case, yawning and hoping to be done with the task at hand as quick as possible. He tended to find packing tedious and boring but it was necessary unless he wanted to not have spare clothes and he was sure that no one would be happy about that.

Freya had left around an hour ago to unpack, Vikk was also packing and Simon was sleeping. He was tempted to just take his Paris suitcase but couldn't bring himself to do it, knowing that it was a lot warmer in Paris than it was in Boston and that most of his Paris clothes were dirty. Ugh, work.

"Josh? Do you have any socks I can borrow? Mine are all in the wash." Vikk questions, entering Josh's room fully dressed except for bare feet. His toes curl into the carpet not liking Josh staring at his feet.

Josh throws him a pair but makes him promise to bring them back because Josh is notorious for losing socks and having to buy a new pack almost every week. He claims it's because Freya always goes home in a pair after staying over and cannot be trusted to return borrowed items but no one takes him seriously. Freya doesn't have an excuse as to why she has hundreds of pairs of plain black socks but she claims that none of them are Josh's. Liar. Wait, no, 'liar' is mean. Fibber. Cheeky little fibber, that Freya Nightingale is.

"Thanks." Vikk drones, dragging his feet out and across the hall.

Around ten minutes later there's a shout from Vikk claiming he is going out and five minutes, and not much packing, after that, Lewis shouts up asking, and I quote, 'Where the fuck do you keep your pens? This is not acceptable, I refuse to work in these penless conditons!'. No one answers him, of course, but his silence gives away that he probably found a pen.

As Josh finishes packing, after three hours of constant procrastination, it starts to settle that he is going to America, to Boston, to meet fans and he is suddenly super excited and hyper. Like, I'm-going-to-dye-your-cat-red sort of hyper, luckily, there is no cats, or animals, or anything furry, near by for him to dye red since Lewis and Dan went home hours ago and he doesn't have the heart to wake Simon.

Josh had noticed that Simon hasn't been himself, even if they only talked for ten minutes before they were interrupted by Simon regurgitating his dinner.


2 comments, 8 votes, pls fnks...

This chapter is so awkward and childish -___-

Next chapter is probably the hardest chapter I have ever had to write. Not actual writing wise but emotionally. I was fighting a panic attack through the whole writing process and cried nonstop for around an hour after.

Chapter 23 sneak peek:

'In the letter he had talked, to a large extent, about wanting kids so badly and how he would wake up in a morning with pains in his stomach and chest because he knew that to be who he was he couldn't have his own children and to have children he would have to be someone he wasn't.'

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