Chapter 35: 'it's such a typical question.'

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Harry wasn't depressed or even remotely upset. In fact, he felt next to nothing, which was unusual because he normally felt everything. He was still a teenager, in his adolescence and being over ridden by hormones that heightened every thing he felt.

So, maybe he did feel something but maybe he didn't. He was unable to tell the difference between the two, actually he was starting to realise that he wasn't good at spotting the difference between much lately.

This realisation had come slowly, painfully slowly, as he laid in bed and tried to figure out whether him and Adriana were on bad terms.

He hadn't seen her for a week but not only that, he hadn't even attempted to contact her and as far as he knew, neither had she him.

One problem he faced was that it was nearing July, actually, now that he thinks about it, it probably already is July, and July meant nearly August, which meant nearly September. September meant that Adriana was going back to Leeds and he wasn't going to see her.

It was through that thought that he realised he had sub consciously avoiding Adriana to distance himself because he was coming to terms with the fact that their relationship was just a summer romance. That upset him, why wouldn't it?

He had fallen in love with this girl in just two months.

Or maybe he wasn't in love with her, for all he knows he is but he has never really loved someone properly.

He loved Katie, he knew that, became she was his first everything.

His first best friend, his first argument, his first girlfriend, his first kiss.

How could you not love someone who is such a big part of your life?

He was just confused and it made his head hurt.


No one had seemed to notice him lately.

No one had asked why he wasn't leaving his room.

No one had asked why he was hardly talking.

No one had asked why he hadn't been recording.

No one had asked why he hadn't uploaded a video for a week.

No one had asked why.



"I told you there was nothing to worry about." Freya says as she places her hand gently over Josh's as it rests on the gear stick of his car.

They had just finished at their first doctor's appointment and Josh had an ultrasound picture in his pocket. It sighed no more than a couple of grams but it felt like it could rip a hole in his pocket.

The burden the picture brought was so little compared to the blessing but he was blinded by worry and hurt.

He was certain that he had read somewhere that miscarriages were more likely in women that had previously had abortions and even though the doctor had confirmed that it wasn't at all true, the idea weighed heavily in the back of his mind.

Freya, on the other hand, was positively buzzing and if she did have any worries, she was hiding them well.

"I know." He replies, his thoughts slowly crawling up the steep walls of the dark abyss they were previously situated in.

"Let's go to the cinema, on me." Freya declares, bouncing her legs up and down excitedly.


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