Epilogue - Someday soon this will be someone else's dream

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"Never forget where you've come here from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will be someone else's dream

We've come so far and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day and night in the eye
And we're still so young and we hope for more
But remember this."

"Daddy, I'm scared." A small voice sounds.

His frightened eyes dash around the room, checking for hidden monsters in all the dark corners of the room.

It's and unfamiliar room. It's big and has no computer in it but there is a desk with a laptop and it's still on the third floor and street lamps still shine through the curtains and cast eerie shadows along the floor but it's different. A whole different house, bigger, better.

A tired Simon opens one eye wide and stares at the silhouette in his door frame.

"Why?" He mumbles, his voice is rough from sleep.

The boy steps forward, twisting his toes into the carpet and playing with his fingers as the little light from the window illuminates the whites of his fear filled eyes.

"I woke up and it was dark. I don't like the dark." He whispers, afraid that if he speaks too loud the monsters will hear him and know he is scared of them.

Simon lifts open the covers to reveal his bare chest and jogger covered bottom half.

"Come on." He says and Caleb is already crawling under the covers and over Simon to the middle of the bed.

"You're getting too big for this, kiddo." He claims as he wraps an arm around his son.

"But it was dark." The small child defends, feeling as if his dad is insulting him in a way.

"There isn't anything in the dark that isn't there when the light is on, Caleb, there is absolutely nothing to be scared of."

The small boy nods his head, his fear slowly dissipating.

"When is daddy back?" He asks, not being able to sleep as he is now fully awake.

"Tomorrow. Sleep, now." He says sternly and Caleb closes his eyes.

Simon lowly grumbles around ten minutes later because Caleb has him thinking about how he is here, in the latest sidemen house, and Ethan is in Paris for the week.

He misses his boo.


People always say that things get better and Freya can now fully vouch for that.

It took a while and she still wakes up every morning with the same grief she felt three years ago but it only lasts a couple of minutes and she can live her life as normal.

Well as normal as living with seven other guys and a small child can get.

She wasn't 'over it', she would never get over it. She had simply learnt to live with the pain.

Sometimes she wishes she still had the friends she kept at uni and other times she even misses Adriana, who had moved to Ireland as soon as she finished at uni.

The amount of testosterone in the house was sometimes overwhelming.

"Je suis home." A shout comes from the hallway and Freya immediately wants to applaud Ethan on his ability to only form half a sentence in French.

He comes strolling into the kitchen just seconds later with a pair of sunglasses on his head like he had just returned from Hawaii.

"Where is everyone?" He asks, placing his bottle of water on the counter and shrugging his jacket off.

Freya shrugs, walking past him and to the fridge, "If by everyone you mean your toy boy then he's still asleep and you've been replaced by Caleb. He's slept in your bed every night."

"Little bastard."


"Let's make this a good one, yeah?" Simon shouts, a mic attached to his face as they stand backstage at the O2.

No one would have ever been able to predict them having a fan base big enough to fill the O2 for a show.

Since when did YouTube groups play at the O2?

They were unbelievably grateful.

Freya was stood just off to the side of the stage, waiting for them to come on, and she had Caleb on her shoulders, clapping and shouting along with the fans.

A few people had asked for pictures with her which she had kindly declined because she still stood by what she said all those years ago.

YouTube was Josh's job, not hers.

Watching them all on stage made her prouder than she ever thought she could get.

They had left the good bye speech to Tobi and it almost had Freya in tears.

"When I was twelve or thirteen I only had a couple friends. Two, only two. We were the three amigos."

"Arriba, arriba!" Josh had chipped in.

"One, introduced me to YouTube and showed me the ropes. He's basically the reason I am here, doing this last show for you guys. The other," he smiles a big, cheeky grin, "hottest girl you will ever see."

"Oi, watch yourself." Josh scolds, laughing as Tobi joins in.

"But, also the kindest, most genuine person I have ever met."

Freya is smiling widely when Tobi looks over to her with a thankful smile.

"Over the past couple of years, they have both shown me that no matter what happens. We always have each other."

He gestures out to the packed crowd, who are listening silently.

"That's what I want you guys to take away from this. This may be our last show, our last video but we always have each other. I know that if I need anything, I can turn to Twitter and you guys and I want to thank you for that and this amazing experience you've allowed us to have."

Freya was genuinely happy for the first time in ages.

She moves a hand down to her stomach as a few tears run down her face and the boys finish their own goodbye's.

This little one inside her was going to be safe. She would make sure of it.

*crawls into hole*

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