Chapter 5: 'Four years, three months, one week and two days."

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Four years, three months, one week and two days.

She never stopped counting and she didn't think she ever would ever since that night.

28th December 2010 19:32

"You know, I've never been on this many dates with someone." A young, seventeen year old Freya recalls.

"Really?" Josh asks, a smirk present across his bare baby face.


"Maybe we should just make it official then?"

Freya's heart pounds inside her chest, somewhat resembling a panic attack but enjoyable as a smile creeps it's way on to her face, much to the dismay of her wanting to keep a straight face.

"Freya Nightingale, will you be my girlfriend?"

Now is Josh's turn to be nervous as looks of hesitation cross through her brown-green eyes.

"I always did want a boyfriend for new year." She reveals, smirking at Josh.

"I'll take that as a yes." He leans down, pecking her on the lips.

31st December 2010 23:59

"Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted as the clock ticked over and many fireworks filled the sky above the small back garden that had at least a hundred people in it.  Josh looked down to Freya to see her covering her ears with a frightened look on her face.  He vaguely recalled her mentioning a couple weeks ago that she wasn't too keen on loud noises.  So, he did the only thing he could think to do, he surprised her with a long, meaningful kiss, which seemed to calm her down as her hands went from her ears to his neck and she stood on her tip toes.

28th June 2011 17:54

"I love you." Josh whispers into Freya's ear as they sit on her bed.  Josh behind her, chin resting on her shoulder and arms and legs around her body, kind of like a koala.

"I, uh, I.." Freya scrambles but is cut off by Josh.

"It's okay.  You don't have to say it back.  Not until you're sure."

She breathes a sigh of relief.

15th July 2011 12:31



"I love you too."

28th December 2011 8:57

"Happy anniversary, babe!" Freya screams, jumping on top of Josh as he sleeps in his bed.  He groans, turning so his face is in the pillow.

"Ugh, who let you in?"

"Your sister." Freya smiles as Josh finally turns over, a smile on his face.

"One year?  That's a long time."

"Sure is."

31st December 2011 23:59

"Happy New year!"

Lips collide, like waves on a beach as breaths mingle under the sounds of cheers and shouts.  It was perfect.

4th February 2012 12:43

"I'm sick of following you around everywhere, Josh.  We never get time for just us two!"

"I have a life, Freya.  I have a job and things to do!"

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