Chapter 8: 'he had lost both of his best friends to themselves'

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*one month later*

"No, no, no, nononononono.  This isn't happening." Freya pants out as she sits on the toilet seat in her bathroom with a little piece of plastic in her hand.  A piece of plastic that could be as insignificant as a grain of sand on a beach but instead is as insignificant as Josh is to her.  She blinks back tears, she didn't need this right now.  Even though Freya has always dreamt of having kids, she didn't want them now.  She was too busy, Josh was too busy.  They didn't even live together for God's sake.  It was strange how one time could change everything and how one piss could shatter her insides, an unwanted love for this little mix of her and Josh already started swelling inside.  The tears fell over her eyes, like rocks falling down a cliff.  She felt suffocated in her own body, she felt like she had an Angel inside her but she also felt like it was a demon.  Something that comes at the most inconvenient of times and rips her life into tiny little pieces that aren't even worth trying to pick up.

Clutching at her stomach, she wants to nurse it, to protect it.  She wants to rip it out and forget about it.  She was only twenty-one, her little brother was only three.  She needs to see Josh, she needs to cry on him.  She needs to be held by him.

She stands and stumbles out of the bathroom and to the bus stop just down the round.  Furiously, she wipes at her eyes, attempting to rub away the redness but in reality just makes it worse.

The bus ride is empty and quiet, like Freya.


A rapping sounds at the door downstairs, Josh promptly ignoring it in the hopes that someone else will get it.  Luckily, Tobi had come round for breakfast since he had run out of cereal and he was munching away at the kitchen island when the knock to the door came.  He stood, rushing over to it.  Opening it, he found Freya stood there, tears streaming down her face.

"Frey?  What's wrong?" He asks, stepping toward to embrace her in a hug but she evades him and runs for the stairs.  Tobi stares at where she ran up the stairs, wondering why she was so upset.

Freya was one of Tobi's best friends, she had been since they were seven, and, like most of his friends, he felt protective of her and would always offer her a shoulder to cry on if she needed it.  He couldn't count the amount of times that she had come to him when her and Josh had argued, before and after they got together.  But then again, Josh also used to come to him when they argued and would spend hours venting and ranting about how she was wrong and then moving to how much he regretted arguing with her because in most things, Freya is always the last to forgive but always first to forget.  Once the opposing side had apologised she would want nothing more to do with the matter and would forget what it was even about just a week later.  Lately, and by lately, the last four years, he had always been second choice for problems that were external from their relationship and he had no problem with it if he was even considered but it seemed that they had almost completely forgotten about him.  He struggled to have a conversation with either of them without the other coming up and he felt as if he had lost both of his best friends to themselves, he would never voice his feelings out of fear of being made fun of because that was the nature of their friendship group.  Jokes were funny, but they were funnier if they were at the expense of one of their own.  It was natural, it was banter.


Freya didn't bother knocking on Josh's door.  She just walked in, not caring what he was doing.

"Josh?" She cries, shutting the door behind her.  Josh turns from his computer quickly at her voice.  He takes in her ragged appearance and her red puffy eyes with tears still running from them before standing up, walking over to her and enveloping her in a hug.

"What's the matter?" He asks softly, stroking her hair down, trying to calm her from her now hysterical crying.  She pulls away from his embrace, looking into his deep chocolate eyes.

"I'm pregnant, a-and I don't know what to do."  Josh's eyes widen as his arms fall to his sides.  He takes a step back.

"What?  How?" He asks, his chest closing up as he struggles to get air to his lungs.

"I don't know, I just took four tests.  All of them were positive." Freya gasps, tears still streaming.  Josh takes another step back and brings his hands to his face, shaking his head over and over again.

"How could you be so stupid?" He seethes, a sudden anger coming over him.

"Me?  How could I be so stupid?  Last time I checked, you were there too!"  Freya retorts.  She's surprised that Josh is angry.  He hardly ever gets angry over anything, he's more of the type to talk things out.

"You're the one that takes the pill!" He shouts back, completely forgetting the others in the house, "I have no say in that, if you don't take the pill then it isn't my fault is it?"

Freya shakes her head and shouts, "You're such a dick!"

She turns and slams the door open, walking out and towards the stairs.

"Yeah, run off to Tobi.  Just like you always do!" Josh shouts after her, venom icing every word that falls from his tongue.

And she does, she runs into Tobi's open arms.

"He's such an asshole." She cries, her tears soaking Tobi's jacket.  Tobi doesn't know what the argument was about, he just knew that it didn't end well and he needed to be there for Freya now and for Josh when he had calmed down.

"He isn't, Frey, you're just mad at him and he's just mad at you.  Whatever happened, I'm sure you two just need to leave it to settle down for a bit."

Freya nods, stepping away from Tobi and waddling up the stairs towards the spare room, she needs a nap.  Her life had changed from being amazing and fun to being hard and heavy within mere hours and she was struggling to get her head around it.  No-one ever expected bad things and that was, sometimes, why they were bad.


This was exciting, wasn't it?

Woooooooooooo!  I really enjoyed writing the bit about Tobi and how he feels because Tobi hasn't been in this much and he is just too sweet not to be!!  Do ya get it?  To be, Tobi.   Hahaha, I'm funny -_-

Make sure to let me know what your favourite part was!!

Because this is when shit gets reaaaaaaaal!!!  For both Emon and Frosh, more so Frosh because, ya know, baby and stuff....

Baaiiiiiii!!!  Love you <3

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