Chapter 36: 'her friendship with Tobi was something to be jealous of'

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Freya was used to the crowd of people that would descend upon them whilst walking through the streets of London with KSI. Adriana, however, was not.

She was surprised that she had even been invited on their little outing. In all honesty she had expected to be ignored by everyone but Harry whilst Ethan was away, yet she was wrong and it seemed that she was more accepted into their little group than she knew.

Originally it was Tobi that had invited her but then JJ had backed it up whilst passing her on his way out of his apartment building.

JJ could tell there was something wrong then but had not questioned it, knowing that she would never tell him and it wasn't any of his business anyway. He knew how cold and stubborn Harry could be.

They weren't doing anything in particular, just walking down streets and into shops.

Out of all of them, JJ, Tobi, Ads and Freya, JJ was surprisingly the least excited to go into Hamley's. Adriana couldn't help but wonder if it was because of the large amount of young teens there would be on certain floors.

On the other hand, Freya and Tobi were practically bouncing off the walls.

Adriana was seeing a different side to Freya on this outing. She had realised that she was yet to spend decent time with Freya when Josh wasn't around and her friendship with Tobi was something to be jealous of.

It reminded her of Harry and her, when things were okay. It had been a whole month since she had spoken to Harry.

She had tried and failed. One of the Cals or their girlfriend's would answer the door and used pathetic excuses as to why Harry couldn't talk to her. She was only here for another two weeks before she left for Leeds again.

JJ was sulkily taking pictures with fans in a corner and Tobi and Freya were having a go with a toy helicopter, all of them seemed oblivious to the few tears on Adriana's cheeks. She knew what she had to do.


"I'm sorry, Ads. He isn't feeling well. Maybe another time, yeah?" Cal(freezy) admits as soon as he opens the door. Adriana pushes straight past him, calling bullshit.

She's going back to Leeds today and she needs to see Harry.

"Harry?" She calls, walking into his bedroom.

He's sitting at his computer desk, working on a video. That's one thing Adriana had noticed, he had been uploading a lot more regularly since he became this recluse.

"Ads." He breathes, standing immediately and striding over.

He looks as if he is going to hug her but soon stops himself just a metre away.

"We need to talk." She declares, leading Harry by thwarting hand over to his bed and sitting down.

"I'm going back to Leeds today." Harry goes to interrupt her but she stops him with a finger, "This summer has been absolutely amazing but I think both of us know that this isn't going to work any longer. It never was going to last long, we both knew that."

Harry listens, putting his head down because he knows it's all true. They both knew Ads was only going to be here for a couple of months but he had hoped, with all his might, that they could make it work. Make whatever this was last a little bit longer.

After a couple of seconds, he looks up, a small glint of a tear in the corner of his eye.

He nods and pulls her into a hug, tighter than ever before.


"Pregnancy fucking sucks." Freya declares as she stands outside Ethan's house as part of the little 'goodbye' entourage for Adriana.

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