9: The Nightmare

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My blood was rushing. It wasn't because of the coke. I'd been so high earlier, but now everything was crystal-clear.

Blond hair between my fingers, our breaths quickening each time our lips brushed.

He felt so good that my heart was aching with it. I wanted it to last longer, all night, forever.

He'll hurt you.

His fingers tightened on my hip. His breaths came fast and shallow. The sweetest of whispers in my ear.

Don't listen. He's lying.

Gentle fingertips across my cheek.

Get away. He'll hurt you.

Blue eyes gazing into mine.

He'll take everything.

He was perfect.

Why do you still let yourself dream about him, idiot?

"Cal, you in Seven? Get over to 306. I got a triple-whammy for you. Give us five minutes though. What? He's too cute, I couldn't resist." Noah hung up and got dressed. He wasn't looking at me anymore. Maybe I hadn't been good.

"Should I go?" I dressed quickly. I wished that I could have stayed with him until morning.

He doesn't even remember you, idiot.

Noah kicked his legs out in front of him as he lazed in the faded armchair in Suite 306, grinning at me. "Don't go yet. There's someone who wants to meet you, Jun-su."

"I don't understand. Who wants to meet me?"

Run! He's coming!

Noah's grin got wider.


A man came into the room. Tall, bald, thin. His face was creased in fury at Noah, but when he spoke his voice was soft. "What have you done?"

Noah strode toward him. "Just do your thing, Cal."

Cal pulled a pistol from a holster under his jacket. He aimed it at my head.

He'll kill you he'll kill you he'll kill you he'll kill you.

My legs gave way. I crashed to the ground, a cowering heap. I couldn't draw breath. My limbs felt fused together. I looked to Noah for help, but he had his back to me.

"Firstly, this," Noah said, holding my passport in Cal's face.

Third generation biometric passport. Only available in Korea. That's all you were to him.

Cal snatched it and slid it into his jacket, his gun still trained on me. I inched my hand down to my jeans pockets. They were empty. Noah had taken all of my stuff.

You just lay on your back and let them take everything from you.

Cal came closer, poking the barrel of his gun against my back. "Get up," he said, watching me rise on shaky legs. A push with the gun barrel sent me staggering across the room. "What's the E.T.A. if we order the readers and printers tomorrow?"

Noah came to stand in front of me, making a show of rifling through my wallet. None of the contents seemed of interest to him. "Ollie says two days." Noah held up my dorm keys with distaste, and finally my phone. He threw everything into the waste paper basket. My face crumpled and I started to cry, dragging breaths in with noisy sobs.

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