8: Salamander

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Whatever relaxing effect that Mozhgan had had on Will during the day seemed to have been obliterated by him overhearing my phonecall with Teresa.

He drove on in nervous silence until we reached Arenosa's city limits, then veered down the exit ramp toward the village of Santa Elena, five miles north along the coast. The lights of the highway faded to the dim glow of streetlamps and moonlight.

"You live in Santa Elena?" I asked, dying a little at the thought of having to wait in an isolated village for news about Eomma.

"Yeah. My house isn't far now."

In the aftermath of the fire I'd wanted to get as far away from María as possible, but having arrived in Santa Elena, it dawned on me that I was totally disconnected from the epicenter of my life's decisions: the María Police Department, the Korean Embassy, and María Airport. I resolved to spend the next day investigating how to travel quickly to María if I needed to get to the Embassy or the airport. Or to say goodbye to my guys somehow.

The grandma-mobile trundled down ever-narrowing roads toward the ocean, until we reached a shady avenue of timber-fronted houses running parallel to the beach. We stopped at the last house on the street, smaller than the others, the hinterland beyond plunged into the gaping blackness of cliffs and forest.

The sound hit me as I hauled myself out of the car. Waves and waves and waves, crashing rhythmically forever against the beach and cliffs. I hadn't heard that sound in so long, familiar and yet brand new again, it lulled me.

I didn't expect much to happen at the Embassy over the weekend, leaving two days before I could talk to Eomma to get my new address, and then another two days for my emergency passport to arrive at the Embassy.

If only I could just pack myself into a box and go into stasis for four days so that I wouldn't have to replay what I was gonna say to Eomma over and over in my head. I'd hide somewhere and get baked for the whole of Sunday and most of Monday. Probably Tuesday too, keeping a little ganja aside for the train ride to Maria Wednesday. Excellent plan, idiot.

"Where can I get ganja here?"

Will was poking into the back of the car to right any boxes and bags upset by the journey . "I don't know, sorry," he replied with a pained look before beginning to heave boxes onto the dark porch.

"I'm gonna go find a vape shop," I said, turning on my heels and heading toward the glare of bars and cafes on the beachfront. I still had some of the hundred dollars that Will had given me, just enough to buy a vape pen and some wax. I'd bake up and keep out of Will's way for a couple of days until the Embassy called.

My wander along Main Street took me past a cafe, a micro-brewery, an exotic food market, and far too many yoga and pilates classes to be healthy. A few villagers were walking toward Main Street's bars and restaurants for the Saturday night rush, and I was warmed by the thought that in a couple of days I'd be doing the same with Nuna and Kang-min on Busan's seafront. After so long, it was all so close, finally within reach.

A barman directed me to a vape shop and I bought a pen and THC wax, feeling a sudden prick of guilt at having spent Will's money on ganja. But I quelled it quickly enough by promising to pay him back, with a little on top, once I got back to Busan. Or Nuna would pay him. I'd pay her back at some point. Once I'd finished medical school. Or once I'd gotten back from military service. I didn't know why the fuck I was making stupid baseless plans. I had no idea what the future held.

Santa Elena's sleepy beauty was a welcome distraction as I meandered back toward Will's place past tree-lined streets, surfboards leaning against walls, fairy lights strung across gateways, and dinghies propped on trolleys. Will was inside the house, half of the boxes still stacked on the porch. 

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