"You survived all on your own?"

"Here, look at this." Britney held her arms out in front of her. I had never noticed but now that they were close, I could clearly see the difference between them. One was shorter, the skin was slightly discoloured, her hands were even different sizes.

"They... They took one of your arms?"

"I was chased and hunted for three days and nights. It was the worst time of my life. The fourth night is when they finally caught me. The demons, they... They don't eat their prey whole. One got ahold of me and beat my arm to a bloody pulp with a rock. The search party found me after they'd eaten my arm and had broke one of my legs in 19 different places."

"Oh, gods below... I am so sorry, Britney."

"The leg they could fix, obviously, but... My arm was gone. Someone had the idea to combine Skelegrow with some muscle and tissue from a cadaver. This was the closest match. I've hated monsters ever since then. It was just... Just so unfair."

"I imagine it was. Britney?"


"If I ever go bad, I'm glad there's someone like you around to stop me. The vampire who turned me... He just... Forced it on me. Thought he could groom me. It was... Awful. Just awful. I imagine if he didn't turn me, I might have turned out just like you." I said.


"Oh that's funny?" I said.

"No, it's just... I never thought about it like that. You're a victim of monsters too. Guess we have more in common than I thought."

"Yeah, I guess we do."

"They're pretty angry at me, Jess and Alice. They're trying to be nice about it, but I dragged them into this mess and I almost got the both of them expelled, or worse. Their parents had some colourful words to describe me. Bad influence was the nicest they could muster."

"They'll come around. If not, well... I don't know if we can be friends but we can be not-enemies. People who don't hate each other."

"I suppose I'd like that."

"Me too."

"I'm sorry."

"You better be, what you did to my leg? That hurt. That really hurt."

"I have... Issues. It seems."

"Water under the bridge, I guess. Just don't do it again. Or at least wait until I actually turn dark side, you know?"

"I promise. I'll... Try to keep a more open mind."

"All I can ask. Sorry about giving you a fright the other week. That death eater really did have it coming. And they're both still alive."

"Death Eater? On school grounds?" Britney said, eyes wide, horrified.

"Oh, yeah. Someone's found a way to let them in. Although I doubt they'll try the same strategy twice. They used polyjuice potion if you can believe it."

"Death Eaters actually made it inside Hogwarts?" Britney said, her eyes wide.

"Yeah, The Dark Lord he... He wants me. They were sent to kidnap me. Not the first attempt there's been either. There aren't many vampires about, I can only guess that he wants me to help him strengthen his forces."

"You-Know-Who wants you? And you don't want to join him?"

"He'd be very disappointed if he ever did get me, I know. And besides, he'd interfere with all the nothing I have planned after I graduate."

"Well, just... I thought perhaps you planned to join him. When all was said and done."

"I just wanna get through the year, Britney."


"Like I said, water under the bridge. I suppose we both need to be heading back anyway."


"We're good now, yeah? As long as you don't try murder me again, anyway. So just... You don't need to keep avoiding me. Or ducking out the room."

"Okay. Hey, vampire?"

"I have a name, but yeah?"

"Watch your back. You-Know-Who is persistent. If he wants you, he will stop at nothing to get you."

"Yeah. Watch your back too. This year kind of seems like the calm before the storm, you know? I can feel it in my bones. There's darkness ahead."

I got up first, and extended a hand to help Britney out, but she didn't take it. I assumed it was Gryffindor pride thing, but she dusted herself off and left. I followed after a moment, but... I knew she was right.

The Dark Lord and his minions would not stop.

My Immortal: ReVampedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang