Chapter 16

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Britney and her friends had me. They knew they had me dead to rights. Tied up like this.

"It wasn't easy, figuring it out... How to catch you, how to put you down... Even if I could beat you in a duel, you were still a vampire. You could easily still kill me with your bare hands. But then it came to me; I could have a monster kill a monster."

"Britney, wait, let's talk this through, you do not have to do this."

"You're a timebomb, you know that?! I saw you, I saw what you did in to those students! You're not doing that to anyone else ever again, you hear me? I won't let you!"

"This is a misunderstanding, Britney, let me explain..."

"No! No more lies, no more deception. You die tonight, monster. For the good of us all, the sooner I put you down, the better."

"I am not your enemy, Britney. I am not your enemy!"

"All of you monsters are the enemy! And when I graduate? I am going to become an Auror and I am going to make it my mission to put you all down. Bring him out!"

A massive spider, legs each the length of a person, crept out of the shadows. Hairy and clacking, all of their eyes glistening in the moonlight, but the spider moved strangely. Like it was bewitched, almost as if... As if someone had put it under the Imperius curse.

"Britney, what have you done...?"

"Like her? This is Audbjorg. One of Aragog's horrid children. I saw Aragog's corpse outside of Hagrid's little hovel, nasty and shrivelled up. I knew it also reproduced." Britney smiled.

"This... This is madness."

"What is madness is that Dumbledore let you into the school in the first place! While everyone was ogling Potter and his exploits you snuck in and no one even blinked! I will restore order, I will set things straight. No more monsters among us."

"I'm a person! I'm a person, I have a mind and a consciousness and feelings and friends and you want to murder me! Do you even understand what's happening? You're not some fearless monster hunter, Britney, you're a person attempting murder! And worse yet, that spider has a name and a mind and you're forcing her to kill me! Don't do this, Britney!"

"Don't beg. Go out with some dignity. It's the least one of your kind can do." Britney spat. I think I knew then, that I wasn't going to make any headway. Not with her, not tonight. I glared at her, and I only had one more thing to say.

"My kind? Funny, from where I stand you're the only monster here."

"Take that back." Britney said, anger flashing across her face, clearly bothered by my jab and I saw it. I took a chance, I went in, I knew I could cut through her if I pressed the issue.

"You might look like a girl, you might talk like a girl, you might even fool everyone else but you're the real monster. A heartless, unempathetic, murderous viper. You only hate me because I'm everything you hate about yourself." I said, giving her a knowing look.

But then there was something else in her eyes.

I knew immediately I'd made a mistake because the quiet, cold rage that swept across Britney's entire being changed the air of the entire situation.

Then she did it. Almost on instinct, almost as if she'd wanted to do it for so long. She pointed her wand at my leg.

"Bombarda!" Britney screamed, and my calf exploded into little pieces of muscle and tissue and bone chips.

I shrieked for almost a minute straight, the pain was so unbearable. Blood pooled around the leg she blew off, and I stared at her, tears in my eyes, blubbering. One of Britney's friend's, the tall one, turned around and puked immediately. I keeled over on the ground, snivelling, tears down my face.

My Immortal: ReVampedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن