Chapter 4

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It wasn't that I was particularly afraid of being in the forbidden forest alone at night, after all, there wasn't much in there that could hurt me.

But I'd walked so long and far that getting back to the dorm room would certainly make me late for a headcount, which would draw unneeded attention to me, which would certainly invite a lecture from one of the Professors, if not from Dumbledore himself.

And I wasn't particularly fond of old men lecturing me.

"There she is!" I heard him say I heard his goddamn voice and I was ready, I was so ready to hurt him. Tears started to well in my eyes from how angry I was.

"Malfoy!" I shouted. "I'll warn you just once, leave me alone. Or else."

But Draco wasn't alone. He had some poor fourth year by the collar, his face bloodied and his arms full of cuts. I vaguely recognized him, his name was Colin McIntyre.

"What the hell?" I asked angrily.

"You kept promising to show me what a monster you are, so come on. Show me. I even brought you dinner so show me how terrifying you really are!" he shouted, shoving Colin at me.

My eyes turned blood red and my fangs grew out some, readying themselves to pierce flesh. But I didn't want to hurt the kid, I wanted to hurt Malfoy. I wanted to hurt him so much. I wanted to leave his entrails all over this forest.

I ran to the Colin, faster than the human eye could see, and I picked him up by the front of his shirt and tossed him so far back he cleared the edge of the forest. I whipped out my wand and yelled "Wingardium Leviosa!" to cushion his fall at the end, and I gave Draco the meanest look I could muster. The pure hatred in my eyes would bring a lesser man to his knees but Draco was either to stupid or full of himself to understand how close to death he was.

"There you are, monster."

"Here I am. I don't care anymore, killing you would be worth it. Leaving you as a bloody spat would be worth doing whatever they do to me."

"Do it. I dare you. Do it." He said.

Draco leaned in extra-close and I looked into his eyes. It's a little like he wanted this, he wanted my rage, like he... Like he didn't care if he lived or died. He just wanted to push me, to see how far he could.

I felt it all leave at once, still angry, but the moment deflated. I felt a little pity for him, actually. Sincerely, I did.

I think that explains it. What happened next. Why what happened next went as far as it did. Why I didn't stop it and why it just... Kept going.

The egotistical, self-centred, rude, uncaring, ideologically abhorrent, morally deficient Draco Malfoy, in what must have been a drawn out suicide attempt, kissed me.

Maybe I was tired, or going crazy, or just... Lost in the moment. But I actually kissed him back. And kept kissing him. And he kept kissing me, his hands slipping up my shirt, my hand pulling him right up against me, our bodies pressed together. My bra came unclipped and I had to admit, the audacity impressed me some. I ripped his buttoned shirt open, and he pulled my shirt over my head.

And, god almighty, we'd lost track of time because then there was a voice behind me and I had never been as mortified in all my life as I had been in the exact moment when Albus Dumbledore started talking to my naked back.

"It would not do if someone were to discover fine Hogwarts students in such a compromised position at this hour of the night. Please refrain from continuing your current extracurricular activity and, in light of the cold weather, I advise you to put your clothes back on."

God dammit. Goddammit all to hell, I think I would genuinely have preferred it if he staked methen and there.

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