Afterword & Thanks

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Hey, everyone, Matt-Dave here.

Incredibly I've somehow made it to the end of this little writing project and I had a blast doing it. I would super appreciate a like, an upvote, a kudos, whatever or wherever you're reading this on, the engagement always helps and if you feel like I deserve it then I would be very grateful.

I was somewhat in two minds about posting this work. Unfortunately JK Rowling has said some awful things and hurt the transgender community and her transgender fans. Adding to that, the BBC has decided to award her for her transphobic words and it's been a terrible enough year without all this.

In the end I decided that I would post, but I wouldn't stay quiet about any of it. I condemn any and all forms of transphobia and well, terfs can eat shit.

Maybe you're of a different opinion than me. That is between you and your conscience to sort out. I for one want to try be as good an ally to my trans friends and the trans community as I can be. But I ask you to reconsider your support for her as long as she continues to attempt to harm the trans community.

That aside, if you've gotten this far, thank you so very much for reading. Whatever else happens this year, I hope you find joy and solace this December, have a great New Year and may your 2021 be filled with joy, hope and prosperity.

Until next time.

My Immortal: ReVampedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora