Chapter 10

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You might know what happens at this point in the story. Draco had been tasked by the Dark Lord to allow Death Eaters into the school, as well as kill Dumbledore.

Harry and Dumbledore had started a secret plan to manipulate professor Slughorn into giving Harry the untampered memory of Tom Riddle.

What was I doing?

After McGonagall had escorted me to the Slytherin common room, I went to the girl's dorm only to find Willow fighting off some boys who thought it amusing to try peep into the Slytherin girl's bathroom.

"Stupefy" I yelled while pointing my wand, knocking a boy off his broom. Willow was screaming, mortified that she'd been seen naked.

"I hate them! I hate the boys at this school and I hope The Dark Lord gets them first!" Willow yelled.

"Willow!" I reprimanded.

"Well, it's true! Those idiot Weasley boys started all this and now there hasn't been a moment's peace!"

"We'll get them, back, okay? We'll get them back."

"Where were you tonight?" She asked.

"Just getting another lecture. You know how it is." I lied, not wanting to involve Willow in what happened. I thought it would be best to leave her out of it entirely.

"Seems like you've been getting lectured a lot, lately."

"You noticed, huh?"

"Yeah. Hey, Ebb?"


"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah. I know, Willow. Thanks."

"I'm always here for you, no matter what."

"I hear you. But everything's okay."

"And I won't judge. At all. Ever. Even if it was super embarrassing and you'd rather forget it ever happened."

"Oh no, I don't like where this is going."

"Especially if it involved getting half naked with a boy you say you hate but actually maybe like."

"No, nope, nuh uh, we are not going there."

"I mean, as friends, isn't it kind of your duty to tell me everything?"

"Oh would you look at the time I have to go die of embarrassment."

"Ebb! C'mon!"

"Ugh, okay, fine, what do you want to know?"

"How did it feel kissing him?"

"Mostly degrading and like my lowest moment."

"Is he a good kisser?"

"Decidedly average."

"I heard you guys were already naked when the professors walked in on you."

"We were half-naked and it wasn't professors, it was just Dumbledore."


"Willow, shut up!" I hissed.

"No fair, my love life is so boring! The guy I was flirting with in Hogsmeade the other day totally wasn't interested."

"I would gladly trade places with you. Please. Please end my suffering."

"You don't know how lucky you have it, Ebb."

"Lucky sure is a word you could use to describe my situation. The wrong one, but it is technically a word."

"I'm going to graduate an unnoticed nobody and you're like, one of the biggest things to ever happen to Hogwarts. I hear you and Harry Potter met and the whole room went quiet."

"Because I flipped my lid at him, and it was incredibly mortifying. Willow, I'm just a kid with a curse trying to get by in a world that kind of hates me. Don't be jealous of that. And even if you're an unnoticed nobody, you're my unnoticed nobody. My Willow. The coolest person I know."

"You're just saying that."

"Nah, you're the only kid in this whole school with the guts to make friends with a vampire. Were you any braver you'd be wearing red and gold."

"But we're green and silver."

"Slytherin sisters."

"Slytherin sisters."

Willow and I spent the rest of the evening chatting and laughing. It was normal. It was nice. It was like I wasn't a vampire and I was just a normal seventeen year old girl.

It's important to savour the good moments in life.

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