Chapter 20

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 I was violently awoken by another Slytherin girl. I looked around and Willow wasn't in bed. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. People were rushing to get outside, there was a panic. Everyone was frantic. I was still groggy from sleep.

"Ebony, wake up!" She said, still shaking me.

"All right, come off it! What's going on?" I hissed.

"It's... Well, it's Professor Dumbledore."

"What does the headmaster want with us?"

"No, Ebony... He's dead."

I was so half-asleep it that I didn't register it at first. But slowly, I felt my chest tighten and then I felt my heart sink into my shoes. Dumbledore, who fought for me to stay in school, who kept watch over me, who fought the darkness... He was dead.

It felt unreal.

It took a couple moments for me to shake off my disbelief. The girl who woke me stood there empathetically for a second, but then began to rush to get dressed herself.

"And worse, there are death eaters in the castle. We're all supposed to gather with the teachers, near where Dumbledore fell. You should get dressed."

"How did this happen?"

"No one knows, except that Professor Snape had something to do with it."

"Where... Where is Willow...?" I looked around, but her bed was empty. Actually, all of her stuff was gone. I started to get worried.

"She left before everything happened. If she's trying to get out of Hogwarts, she might still be in the castle."

"Thanks." I said, and got up.

I did the laces on my shoes and put on a jumper, and started heading out. I didn't spot Willow in the common room, the girl's bathroom. I went out into the halls, which seemed to buzz with activity.

I whipped my head frantically as I searched for her. Willow... She had to be around here somewhere, she couldn't just have left without saying goodbye.

Then a group of Death Eaters entered from above and shot spells out at us.

We all began running, but I pretty much immediately knew they were after me.

I ran towards the grounds. They'd chased me through the halls, their spells colliding with the walls, and I was afraid that this time they really had me. I didn't know where anyone was, I didn't know where Willow was, my friend, my Slytherin Sister.

We were being attacked and she was nowhere to be found.

We burst out of the castle and onto the grounds.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Harry Potter in the distance, and he was running after Professor Snape but I couldn't really afford to divert my attention. Someone had lit Hagrid's hut on fire, and the warm glow of the flames lit up everything up.

The spells slowed. Something was wrong.

I was at the edge of The Forbidden Forest. And everything was quiet. I could hear someone coming towards me and I raised my wand to defend myself, but then I recognized the figure.

It was Willow.

"Come on out, it's time." She said, and then several death eaters apparated to her side.

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