Chapter 17

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 Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Britney, Jess, Alice and I stood in McGonagall's office. My leg had been bandaged and I was in crutches, but my vampire physiology had regrown it some by now.

The silence was deafening.

I could see the temptation in McGonagall's eyes to expel the three. They had deliberately tried to kill another student, and even if it was me, this would reflect poorly if punishment wasn't dealt out.

"I hope the three of you are aware of the serious nature of the claims brought against you." Professor McGonagall said, her eyes narrow as she peered over her glasses.

"It was my idea entirely, Professor. Alice and Jess might have been present but I was the one who cast the Imperius curse on the spider and I was the one who destroyed the vampire's leg." Britney said, trying to deflect blame from her friends.

"The vampire, as you called her, is a student of Hogwarts. Miss Ravenway is a member of the student body and were she a pixie or a three headed dog, your actions would still be inexcusable. As noble as attempting to take responsibility is, Miss Duff, aiding and abetting in the attempted murder of a student is still worthy of expulsion."

"They didn't aid and abet. They actually tried to stop me. If anyone must be expelled, it's me, Professor."

"Miss Ravenway is this true?" McGonagall asked, and Alice and Jess looked at me with wide eyes. I decided to tell the truth. Although, if I'm being honest, I didn't particularly feel like doing the two of them any favours.

"Alice and Jess did put up token resistance towards the idea of actually killing me. And Britney was indeed the one who blew my leg off. Whatever that counts for."

"Seems like the course of action here is obvious."

"Professor, if I may speak?"

"I suppose you may."

"I remember when Professor Lupin resigned of his own accord, and I doubt many wizarding families would take kindly to the expulsion of three students who tried to kill a vampire out of... A misguided fear for their safety. I appreciate what you and Professor Dumbledore have done for me but... I would not want Hogwarts to be put at risk for my sake. Perhaps leniency here would be best for all. I like this school. I may not have many friends here but... I do have some. I don't want to jeopardize that. There must be some form of punishment that satisfies the severity of what they've done without stirring up their parents."

"I appreciate the concern, Miss Ravenway, but this is also about protecting other students with similar conditions. You aren't the only student who finds themselves in unique circumstances and they may try repeat what they've done to another student."

"They're final year students, Professor. Couldn't they make an unbreakable bond and promise not to try kill me?"

"I do always have chores to give them, Professor. Plus I reckon they owe Audbjorg a right apology, if not a prepared feast." Hagrid chimed in.

"We do not make students swear unbreakable oaths as a disciplinary measure. Given your passionate defense, Miss Ravenway, I will consider a more lenient punishment. For the time being, you are all to return to your dorms. Miss Duff, you and your friends are, for now, on a curfew. All your extracurricular privileges are revoked, including clubs and trips to Hogsmeade. When you are not in class, you will be in Gryffindor tower. Meals will be brought to you, and once Professor Dumbledore returns, he and I will decide what your ultimate fate will be. You three are dismissed."

"Thank you, Professor." Britney said.

"Oh, don't thank me. Were I in Miss Ravenway's position I'd have advocated for your immediate expulsion. You've brought deep shame to the name of Godric Gryffindor and that three students from my own house are this poorly behaved is personally mortifying. Count this as the first of many lectures. Now, off with you." Professor McGonagall said.

"I'm also exhausted, Professor. If it's a lecture you have for me, could... Could we save it for another time, perhaps?"

"I won't keep you long. You handled yourself with grace, Miss Ravenway. I would like to give you a commendation. 30 points to Slytherin. And my sincerest apologies for how members of my house have treated you."

"Thank you, Professor."

"I do not expect Dumbledore back any time soon. Please be careful. He will not always be around to keep an eye on you. I fear this will not be the last such an attempt on your life that you will face. Your condition scares people. To some, your very existence is a threat. You're an uncommon sort, and difference is not always treated with civility. In a better world, it would be. But for the time being... Do take care of yourself."

"I will, Professor."

"Dismissed, Miss Ravenway. Get some rest."

"Thank you, Professor. I will."

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