Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief

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"How did you make Sinan laugh so much?" - Stopping next to his wife, asked Omer.

"Nothing special," she smiled. - I told them about baby Iso.

"I finally realized that I want a child," Sinan said confidently, to which Seda raised her eyebrows comically.

- Maybe we'll get married first? She asked him.

"We'll get married," he agreed cheerfully. - And we will have immediately.

- Sinan! - The bride was indignant. - The child is what? A dog to have it?

- I agree! To have is the wrong word, - Sinan rubbed his chin thoughtfully and happily exclaimed: - We'll do it! Exactly the right word. Let's make a child.

"Be quiet, for the sake of Allah," Seda groaned and covered her eyes with her hand. - What will all this worthy audience think of us!

Omer took Defne by the elbow and nodded at the dancing couples:

- Let's go and dance.

- With pleasure.

He took his wife to the center of the hall and hugged her around the waist. She put her left hand on his shoulder, and the right one sank into his palm. Omer smoothly and slowly led her in a dance. They moved to the beat of the melody and looked into each other's eyes. And again, like a year and a half ago, space and time have dissolved. The crowd of guests disappeared, the walls and parquet flooring underfoot. All that's left is the music. They floated in the air and melted with bliss.

- Will I learn someday? Defne asked quietly.

- What will you learn? - asked Omer and his voice enveloped her in soft velvet.

- Calmly to look at you. Remembering to breathe. And so that my heart doesn't stop every time you smile at me.

- Do you want it?

He looked into her soul. He caressed with a glance. And from these disembodied touches, her heart sank in her chest. Defne shook her head.

- No. I want to continue racing at breakneck speed in a car that I can't control. Every moment by the cliff. Not breathing. Excited. Feeling that I live.

Omer gasped for breath and pressed her hand to his chest.

- I'm with you.

- Ahtem, what's wrong with you? - asked Laura looking at her husband's frowning face. Just a minute ago, he was smiling and suddenly darkened. She followed his gaze. He looked at the man. Laura saw him for the first time, but his face seemed unpleasant to her. - Who is he? She asked.

- The owner of the firm "Turkish Gold" Hussein Chatay, - Ahtem answered through clenched teeth. - A rare scoundrel. Didn't expect to see him here.

"He's heading toward us," Laura said anxiously.

- I see.

"Ahtem," the man who approached exclaimed. - Are you invited too?

- Does that surprise you? - Without greeting, Ahtem asked a counter-question and pointedly put his hands in his pockets.

The man grinned and turned to Laura:

- Beautiful lady, let me introduce myself...

"This is unnecessary," Ahtem cut him off. - Don't waste time showing courtesy. Say what you want and get out.

- How rude you are, - Hussein Chatay mockingly rebuked him.

- I am like that, - Ahtem did not remain in debt.

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