Chapter 41 - Paradise Island

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- This is a well-built house. It was built in 1928. The basic materials are stone, brick, and wood. Solid tiled roof and a spacious basement. For ninety years, it has been renovated several times. A modern water supply and sewerage system was built, as well as room heating. The fireplaces remain, but they serve a decorative rather than a basic function.

Ahtem listened to the realtor's recitative with half an ear. He saw that the house was solid and built to last. But along with the aura of history, it contained everything necessary for a comfortable life. Only the color of the walls was depressing. It was too dim and gloomy. But if you plaster them, repaint them in light colors and make the ceilings white, there will be a completely different look. And the stone floors in the rooms are better covered with wooden parquet. Remove old furniture and bring new ones. Replace chandeliers and curtains. Ahtem imagined all these changes and, as if with his own eyes, saw how the old mansion breathed with warmth and comfort.

- There is a wine cellar in the basement, - the realtor continued her story with a gesture inviting the client to go downstairs. - But it has not been used for a long time and everything is covered with dust.

"It's not а problem," Ahtem answered mechanically and examined the basement critically. It was large and spacious. If you put good lighting, then you can equip another workshop here.

- Let's see the yard? The woman suggested.

- Yes with pleasure.

The realtor led the man outside through the back door. The yard was square, with a small garden and flowerbeds lined with paths. Now they were empty, but Ahtem imagined when Laura takes over them, and they will turn into a blooming carpet.

The yard was surrounded by a brick fence. It was tall enough to hide the inhabitants of the house from prying eyes. The southern side is completely overgrown with wisteria.

"When it blooms," thought Ahtem, "the yard will look like a fairy garden."

His gaze moved to the wall separating the estate from the neighboring house where the Iplikci live. It will be possible to cut a gate in it. And then, in a few years, their children will run back and forth and, with their mischievous tricks, drive caring mothers crazy.

- Mr. Ahtem, - the voice of the realtor brought him out of his reverie, - if you wish, I will show you other houses in the area.

- Thank you, no need, - he said.

"This house is a good choice," the woman said again. - Moreover, the price ... for such a house, and even in this area - it's low. It would have already been bought, but the former mistress set a condition - the estate should be sold to the young couple for life. She doesn't want a mini-hotel or office to be opened here. For a family - was her words.

- Then we fit perfectly, - smiled Ahtem. - I will have a request for you.

- I'm listening.

- Could you give me the keys to the house for a couple of days? I want to show it to my bride. If she likes it, we will start the sale and purchase procedure on Monday.

- Of course, Mr. Ahtem, - the woman handed him the keys.

Something soft touched his feet. Ahtem looked down and smiled. The gray cat, purring, rubbed against his legs. He sat down and stroked her ear.

- Hi, Gri! Are you waiting for the house to open its doors and come to life again?

The cat looked at him with slanted, intelligent eyes. Although they say that animals cannot do this, Ahtem was sure, the gray beauty smiled at him.

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