Chapter 22 - You are the Best!

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Yesterday's rain left wet marks and evaporated. The sun has again taken over. It shone through the clouds, gilded the tops of the trees and gently touched with rays the eyelashes of the red-haired girl. Defne, showing her face for it, stood with her eyes closed and listened to the whispers of the leaves. The forest surrounded the house with a dense wall, beckoned to it with yellow-purple colors and bitter, crystal-clear air, which intoxicated more than wine.

Omer walked almost inaudibly. But Defne sensed his presence and, without opening her eyes, smiled. He hugged her from the back, kissed her cheek and muttered in her ear:

- How beautiful you look against the backdrop of the autumn forest. Like a fairy fluttered to the forest-edge and basks in the sun.

"A fairy in jeans and a sweater?" - Defne laughed and, opening her eyes, raised her face to him.

"Don't you know?" - Omer smiled with the corners of his lips and butterflies woke up from his smile in her stomach. "Fairies now look like that." They wear jeans and hid their wings under a sweater, but still, everyone knows that they are fairies.

- Why? - Defne asked cheerfully and funny wrinkled her nose.

He turned her to face him and lightly touched her cheek with his fingertips.

"Because they have snow-white skin, long eyelashes, eyes like honey, and red hair that drives me crazy," he let his fingers through the soft silk of copper curls. - Everyone who looks at such beauty knows - in front of him is a fairy.

"The poet died in you," Defne joked, embarrassed.

Her cheeks were flushed. It was so sweet and touching that Omer could not resist - he kissed the delicate skin and pressed himself against it with his hard beard.

"But I can quote the greatest," he was seducing in a voice and knew that. Defne's legs weakened and the heart in her chest trembled like the caught bird.

"The roses of your cheeks have turned my tongue into a nightingale.

I lost my head from a passion for your curls..."

He spoke the lines of the great Avni, and a radiant smile blossomed on Defne's face.

"You decided to drive me crazy?" - She leaned back in the circle of his hands and looked into the burning, black eyes.

"Yes," he purred. "It's not for me alone to lose my mind with one stroke of your eyelashes.

From a wave of her eyelashes? Lose his mind? Allah! Yes, if he would know what was going on with her mind when his eyelashes hide his gaze and his lips curl in a sly smile ... But he better not know about it!

Defne freed herself from his arms and grabbed Omer by the arm.

- Mr.Poet, would you like to walk in the forest and be charged with inspiration? - hiding behind a playful tone embarrassment, she suggested.

Omer laughed and kissed her hair just above her temple.

- As you wish, my love! We have a whole day ahead to fulfill our desires.

- All of them? Asked Defne fervently.

- All! - Confidently he confirmed.

- Absolutely?

- Absolutely!

- It doesn't happen!

Omer hugged her shoulders and whispered in her ear:

- It happens. Make a list.

And the list was simple. To hear, see, feel each other. Laugh and joke. To touch and kiss. To make love. And then to cook dinner together and eat it on the terrace under a lit old lantern. To listen to how the forest whispers its tales, how the wind sings in the crowns of tall pines, like moths, carelessly trying to get to the alluring fire, they beat their wings against the glass. To admire the stars for a long, long time. Until the evening cold penetrates under thick, woolen sweaters and chases them away into the house.

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