Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born

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Frightened Koray threw the plate of cookies on a low table and, getting up from the sofa, walked around Defne on tiptoe. Carefully touching the puddle with the toe of his sneaker, he pulled the girl by the sleeve of her dress and asked:

- Skinny, did you pee yourself?

His question brought Defne out of her stupor. She stared at him and shouted indignantly:

- No! My water just broke! - Her face acquired a confused and plaintive expression, and her voice turned into a barely audible wheeze: - I'm giving birth...

- Oh Allah! - Koray, like a chicken, flapped his arms on his sides and ran around the room. - So, what do we need? We have to go to the hospital! Who will take us? No Sukru! Nero is there! Calling Nero! Ay, where is my phone?! Yes, there it is! Nero! Nero!

Defne, holding her belly, also rushed around the room, looking for the phone, and could not find it anywhere.

- Skinny! Koray jumped at her. - Why are you jumping like a grasshopper?! Do you want to give birth to Diana right here?!

- A-ah! Defne yelled at him. - Where is my phone? I need to call Omer!

- Nero!!!Nero!!! - shouted into the phone Koray. - Skinny is giving birth! Fly here soon! We need to take her to the hospital! Oh yes, where are you galloping? - He shouted at Defne and grabbed her hand. - We are calling Omyush! Calling!!!

In a French restaurant in Ankara, Omer scrambled to his feet and fumbled through his pockets with shaking hands, looking for his phone. It rang again in his hands before the alarmed man even had time to unlock the screen.

- I am listening, Koray! - he barked and immediately heard a hysterical squeal from the phone:

- Omyush !!! Omyush !!! The skinny one is giving birth! Peed herself!

- What are you talking about! - he heard an indignant cry of Defne. - My water broke! Water! Give me the phone! Dear! - the voice turned from angry to plaintive. - It started...

Defne sobbed. Omer's heart sank with fear and compassion. His girl is scared, confused, and he is far away and can not calm her down and help. Moreover, there is no one left in Istanbul who could support and take care of her at this moment. No one but the clumsy Koray.

"Defne," Omer begged. "Don't cry!" Please! Everything will be fine! I will come soon and be next to you!

"Omer, I'm scared!" Defne whispered, barely audible.

"I know, my love, I know," Omer began to persuade her. "But don't give in to fear." Don't scare the bead. Do what you have to do. Go to the hospital. Remember that I love you!

"I remember," Defne gasped convulsively.

- Here is my clever girl! Give the phone to Koray.

- Omyush! - came a hysterical cry from the speaker. - Nero is on her way! And Black Mamba is with her. We will immediately take the skinny girl to the hospital!

Black Mamba? Grandpa Hulusi? Omer did not understand the cause-and-effect relationship of grandfather's appearance in Koray's car, but he was glad that he would be with Defne in those minutes. At least one sober, reasonable person.

- Koray, listen to me! - Omer sternly interrupted Koray's screams. - You take Defne to the hospital and don't leave her a step. You calm and support her. You forget about your whims and think only about Defne! Only about Defne! - his calmness broke into a cry. - You understood me?!

- Ay, Omyush, stop talking! Koray shouted angrily at him, not at all scared. - The skinny girl jumped upstairs! I'm running after her!

The phone went silent. Omer removed it from his ear and looked in confusion at his friends, frozen in tension.

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