93 Taming the stubborn

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The journey by sea was fast. The speedboat took Jansu from Istanbul to the pier near Iplikci's house on the island of Buyukada in twenty minutes. Thanking Jan, the girl went ashore. The boat rushed back to Istanbul and she was left completely alone.

Somewhere, very close, a couple of kilometers from the house of Omer and Defne, on the streets of the town, as well as on numerous beaches, life was in full swing. Tourists and Istanbul residents who had come on vacation were scurrying about. But here, on the southern end of the island, it was quiet and deserted. The house stood on the outskirts and the only living creatures for a couple of hundred meters around were seagulls, sparrows, and graceful butterflies with multi-colored wings. Tea roses bloomed magnificently, cherries blushed in the garden, - and smelled of pine needles. The hillsides around the house were densely strewn with pine and cedar trees. It was they who fed the air with pungent aromas.

But Jansu did not notice the beauty around. She, at last, was left alone and could give vent to tears. There was no longer any strength to restrain them.

Finding the key under a flowerpot, she opened the door and went into the house. It was cool and clean inside. It seems that Defne called the woman who looks after the house and she cleaned the dust before the guest arrived. There was a blue-gray blanket on the sofa in the large living room. Despite the heat, Jansu was cold. The block of ice that had formed inside her this morning was spreading cold into every cell of the body. Jansu climbed up onto the sofa, covered herself with the blanket, and leaned her head against the high back. And then she began to cry. Quiet so. No hysterics. Tears just rolled down from her eyes, dripped onto the blanket, and changed its color. She asked herself, "For what?"

Why is Niko so cruel to her? Why every time he fascinates, lifts to heaven, gives dazzling happiness, and then throws her to the ground and breaks her into fragments. Is this hate? Or revenge? But why should he take revenge, why should he hate her? Did she do something bad to him even once? Didn't she love and believe him with all her heart?

Did she deserve such humiliation?

The blanket got soaked with tears and she felt even colder. Jansu got up, went out onto the terrace, and threw it onto the railing. Then she went back to the kitchen to make some tea. On the stove was a saucepan covered with a red-white towel, and on the table was a dish with borek (*pie) covered with a linen napkin. Jansu lifted the lid over the saucepan. Inside, dolma lay in even circles. Ah, Defne! Her darling sister with a big heart and a desire to take care of everyone who is in trouble. She not only told the housekeeper to clean the house, - but also asked to bring food. She knew that her sister, killed by betrayal, was not in a state to cook now. But Jansu didn't feel like eating at all...

The roar of an engine was heard outside. Jansu listened warily. It looked like a boat was approaching the pier. Wondering who it might be, she went outside. From the height of the terrace, she could see the pier. A silvery speedboat was dangling beside it on the waves. But it was empty. Olive trees hid the path with their crowns, and it was not visible who was climbing along on it.

Jansu came down from the terrace and headed down, mentally sorting out in her head who could disturb her privacy. Omer and Defne? No. They have an important day at work today. Like their partners, but also best friends. Omer's grandfather and Defne's grandmother? Also unlikely. They have their own house on the island of Kinaliada. Why would they sail here?

Reasoning like that, Jansu turned down the path to go around a huge boulder and come face to face with someone whom she never wanted to see again in her life. Niko stood in front of her. Hair tousled by the wind, facial features sharpened, in the eyes - determination and dark fire. For several seconds she looked into those eyes as if spellbound. Their gaze changed. Became guilty, then pleading. Niko held out his hand and said hoarsely, "Jansu ..."

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