85 Taming the stubborn

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Jansu was accompanied to the reception by the Association of Jewelers by her cousin, Jan - a twenty-five-year-old handsome man with cheerful brown eyes and the figure of an athlete. Usually, Jansu appeared at such events with her father. But this time an emergency happened. At the last moment, her father had to urgently fly to Izmir. An attempted robbery took place in one of the shops of the Baisal jewelry chain.

It was an outrageous case, and the owner of the company went to follow up the investigation himself. At the same time, Mr. Baisal took a promise from his daughter that she would go to the reception of the Association of Jewelers and defend the interests of not only the company Sapphire, in which she works, - but also the company Baisal, the successor of which she is along with her beloved sister Defne.

Jansu saluted him with two fingers and said, "Yes, Mr.Ozcan!"

And then she went to call Jan. It was a thrill for him to dress up in a tuxedo and appear arm in arm with a beautiful cousin at a social event. He delivered his gorgeous, perfectly dressed figure to the Baisal house at exactly half-past six. The maid who met him said that Mistress Jansu would come down in a minute. Jan, knowing his cousin's punctuality beyond measure, grunted, flexed his arm at the elbow with a perfected movement, and began to count the seconds on the clock. When there were exactly sixty of them, Jansu appeared on the stairs. Jan examined her scarlet, bold neckline dress, and whistled.

"Stunning! My soul, you should have warned me! I would take a pistol."

"Why?" Checking the contents in a black, ruby-strewn evening bag, asked Jansu.

"To shoot those men who will look into the neckline of your dress," comically arched an eyebrow, said Jan.

Jansu laughed and, taking his arm, answered, "Dear, as long as you are with me, no one will even dare to look askance at my neckline. Everyone knows, that your right hook can knock a bull down."

"You're right," flashing a reckless smile, Jan agreed with her.

The reception hall at the Istanbul Hotel sparkled with thousands of lights and smelled of Ivory Yves Piaget roses. Ultra-expensive jewelry on the ladies dazzled the eyes; symphonic music caressed the ear; champagne in glasses had an exquisite golden hue. Everything was extremely pretentious and luxurious. Accustomed to such luxury, Jansu practically didn't notice it. She greeted her acquaintances sweetly, uttered routine phrases, and listened to enthusiastic compliments to her appearance. And she was frankly bored, but at the same time, she skillfully hid her feelings behind a dazzling smile. From time to time she glanced at the front door. Those who were able to save her from boredom were late. It was not at all like the punctual Omer Iplikci, and Jansu was a little worried. Defne was pregnant with her second child; the entire first half of her pregnancy was tormented by a terrible toxicosis, and the whole family shook over her like over a priceless vase.

Niko, impeccably handsome in his evening suit, climbed the steps leading to the reception hall with casual elegance. Monica walked beside him, holding his arm. In a pearl gray dress and diamonds, she was an example of taste and style, but Niko did not notice her beauty. All his senses, including intuition, were sharpened on the girl, who, for sure, was now outside the door of the hall. Excitement seethed in his blood.

Niko felt alive again. The minute he had been waiting for many years has come. It was time for Jansu Baisal to experience what he experienced when she kicked him out of her life. A beggar husband, entangled in debts, turned out to be of no use to her?

Well, times have changed. Now he is rich and successful. His masculine charisma remains the same. He will turn it on at full capacity and Jansu Baisal will not resist. She will fall into his arms and his bed. He will satisfy the acute sexual hunger that burned him for four years, and then he will throw her out of his life, as she once did.

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