Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness

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Nothing could overshadow this morning. Neither the sky frowning in the rain, nor the lack of hot water in the shower, nor the escaped coffee, which had to be re-brewed. Even the cramped apartment, in which the two had nowhere to turn around, was not annoying. After all, doing morning rush affairs, colliding with each other, meeting with hands, touching elbows and hips, cuddling and, as if by chance, kissing a strong shoulder or fragrant thin neck, was pure bliss.

And they were in a state of bliss!

Discarding all other thoughts openly enjoyed each other. They smiled openly and easily, touched gently, kissed excitedly. They ate a scorched omelet and over-dried toasts as if it were pure nectar. And even the coffee, which again ran away because at the crucial moment Omer wanted to kiss Defne, seemed to be both the tastiest in the world. Divine, fragrant, sweet. The bitterness completely disappeared in him ... or maybe the lovers simply did not feel it. They drank it from one cup and kissed after each sip. The lips smelled of coffee and it was the aroma of their morning with a taste of happiness.

And then Omer tried to leave for himself to change clothes. And he couldn't. Defne's hair restrained him, in which his fingers tangled. Her eyes. He was drowning in them and did not want to emerge from the golden whirlpool. Her sweet lips, from which he could not tear himself away and covered with his again and again. He buried his nose in the crease between the neck and shoulder and, inhaling deeply the native smell, closed his eyes and bald with pleasure. Defne laughed, threw back her head and complained that she was tickled.

"Get used to it," Omer purred and fingered the skin of the graceful curve of the neck.

"If you don't let me go now, we'll be late for work," whispered Defne, squinting with pleasure.

- So what? - He untied the lacing on her pajama blouse and, pulling the short sleeve, bared a rounded shoulder. Drawing patterns on it with his lips and finger, he made her tremble and forget about everything in the world. - I am a co-owner of the company and may be late.

His words finally returned Defne from heaven to earth. Sighing, she replaced the sleeve of her pajamas and stood on her feet. Regretfully looking at Omer, who was disappointed by her actions, she shrugged and explained:

"You are a co-owner, and I am a subordinate." And I have no right to be late.

Reluctantly, she began to collect dirty dishes and leftover breakfast from the table. Omer stood up after her and began to help. At the same time, as if by the way, noting:

- Here you go! Another excuse to return to Passionis. As the wife of a co-owner, you will have the same rights as me.

Defne froze. She looked at him and asked:

- Let's discuss this issue another time. Now there is no time. Twenty minutes later we must leave the house. Therefore, run to yourself, take the form of a big boss and we go to work on time. I will even give in and go with your Mercedes.

- Even? - surprised Omer. "I took it for granted."

Defne smiled slyly and pushed him toward the door.

"If you don't get ready in twenty minutes, then I, of course, will leave by taxi."

- What else! - He was indignant and opened the door.

But he could not leave the apartment. On the threshold, with her hand raised for a knock, stood the landlady of the apartment, Fatima. At the sight of the disheveled appearance of the tenants and their pajamas, she froze for a moment with her mouth open, and then burst into indignation:

- What is it? - not looking at Defne she demanded an answer. "Didn't I tell you not to invite men into the house?" Shameless!!! She scanned the girl from head to toe with a contemptuous look and shook her head condemningly. - Aren't you ashamed? The man just moved in, and you already pull him to bed. Slut!!!

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