97 Taming the stubborn

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Jansu ran into her office, covered her face with her hands, and began to cry. How unbearable, unbearable, unbearably painful! She didn't listen to Niko four years ago, she didn't listen yesterday on the island, and now it's late. With her pride, her donkey stubbornness, she destroyed all the most important, the best in her life. And now ... it's over.

Niko returned home and locked himself in his study. The desire to get drunk was intolerable, but he did not follow it. Alcohol has not brought anyone to any good yet. And the point is alcohol anesthesia. It passes, and the pain returns with a vengeance. He is to blame for his troubles. First, he hid his problems from Jansu. Acted cowardly. Then he believed the lie and did not insist on talking. How so! Proud Niko Bianco does not humiliate himself in front of anyone and does not ask anyone for anything. Then he nurtured hatred and a thirst for revenge. He dragged into his bed everyone who, even remotely, resembled Jansu in appearance. Got engaged to Ornella. Knew it was a mistake, but stubbornly committed it. He wanted to prove to Jansu that he could live without her. But he only proved that he was a scoundrel. She is right! A thousand times right that she does not want to know him.

He couldn't stay at home. The walls pressed on him and it was difficult to breathe. He wanted to get out into the air. After dinner, the sisters and Ornella went to the cinema for an evening screening of the new film, and he sat in the Maserati and drove to the promenade near Ortakoy. Leaving the car in the parking lot near the shopping center, he walked to the very edge of the water. Putting his hands in his pockets and exposing his face to the wind, he stood motionless for several minutes - and then sat down on one of the benches. The coolness of the sea slightly eased the burning sensation inside.

"Niko!" A ringing voice sounded very close.

Niko looked around. Emine Diana was rushing towards him, beaming with a joyful smile, at full steam. He picked her up in his arms and, sitting her down on his lap, greeted her.

"Hi, Princess! I'm glad to see you."

"I'm very glad too," she replied. "My mom and dad and I went out for a walk. It is good for mom to breathe the sea air."

The girl spoke so authoritatively, and at the same time was so similar to her father that Niko involuntarily smiled. Lucky Iplikci. They have such an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness.

The lucky Iplikci also came to the bench and sat down next to him.

"The weather is fine today," Defne said. "It's a crime to sit within four walls on such an evening."

"You're right," Niko agreed with her.

"Emine," Omer turned to his daughter, pointing to a bird at the water's edge. "Look what a big seagull. Come on, let's get a closer look at it."

"Let's!" She agreed enthusiastically.

Father and daughter went to look at the seagull, leaving Niko and Defne alone.

"I told Jansu," the woman's voice sounded soft and sad.

"But she stayed with her opinion," said Niko, not hiding the bitterness in his voice.

"This is an involuntary, momentary protest," Defne tried to cheer him up. "Jansu will calm down, start thinking sensibly and leave her stubbornness. You are dear to her, Niko. Very much. For four years she rejected everyone, without exception, men who tried to court her. And among them were very worthy people. But Jansu hadn't seen them as men - they were empty places for her. Because you lived in her heart, Niko. She loves you ... even if she doesn't show it."

Her words warmed his heart and the pain became less acute. Defne Iplikci is truly a merciful angel ... although she has a sharp tongue and a heavy hand.

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