Chapter 29 Light and Darkness

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The noise in the living room died down. Topal family fell silent and only listened in alarm to the voices in the hallway. Everybody remembered the engagement and what happened after it. Defne bit her lips nervously and did not take her eyes off her husband's back, which was visible in the doorway.

The grandfather looked expectantly at his grandson. Omer was silent. One second, two, three ... Hulusi Iplikci bowed his head and turned to leave. Omer grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house.

- Where are you going? he spoke finally. - Sorry, I did not expect to see you and was confused. Come into the house.

He took the box from his grandfather and asked:

- What is there?

"Gifts," he answered, not fully believing his happiness. - Housewarming after all.

"We also have a present for you from Italy." We will have dinner and will give them, - Omer said as if there had not been so many years of resentment and misunderstanding.

Defne exhaled and caught their gaze with a side vision.

Three pairs of waiting eyes stared at her.

- And-and? Nihan held out demandingly.

"There is one for you too," Defne reassured her, and at the same time her grandmother and Esra.

- And for me? - Serdar asked offended.

- And for you, and for both Iso. For everyone, there are, - Omer supported his wife. But all that later. First dinner. Defne must eat on time and well.

Mr. Hulusi, hearing the last words of his grandson, looked anxiously at Defne, and then at Omer:

- Defne got sick?

He opened his mouth to answer, but grandmother Turkan was ahead of him. Folding her hands like for prayer on her chest, she chanted:

"Ah, dear Mr. Hulusi!" Allah blessed our family, and you and I will soon be able to hold our great-grandson in our arms.

"Or great-granddaughter," Defne cheerfully supported her.

Grandfather in a silent question turned to his grandson. Omer smiled broadly and nodded his head. The old man's eyes sparkled suspiciously. Leaning on his walking stick, he went to his daughter-in-law and held out his hand in which she put her own.

"Daughter," he said excitedly, "how did you make the old man happy!" The best day of my life in ten years.

"From now on there will be many of them, Grandfather Hulusi," Defne assured him sincerely. - And now supper!

A large family sat at a table laden with mouth-watering dishes. Throughout the dinner, jokes and laughter did not subside in the room. Omer and Defne cooed with the baby Iso. He was held in the arms by the proud Serdar. The baby smiled with a toothless mouth and touched everyone except Esra. The girl was more interested in Italy and she asked dozens of questions to her sister. Defne answered in detail and enthusiastically. The little clever girl only sighed with admiration. Watching her, Omer promised that she and Defne would take her along with them next trip. The little Esra, which has always been favoring towards him, has now stated with absolute certainty that Brother Omer is the best person in the world and how lucky that he and Defne fell in love. It never occurred to anyone to protest.

After dinner, while Defne was whispering with her grandmother, Nihan and Esra quickly cleaned the table and washed the dishes. And only then Omer brought the gifts. Handing them, he sat down next to his wife and hugged her by the shoulders. Together, they enjoyed watching the enthusiasm of their relatives and their sincere joy. Grandmother tried on a cashmere cardigan and silk shawl, Esra examined beautiful dresses and blouses, Nihan's eyes widened at the sight of fashionable blouses and a heap of lovely children's clothes. She even forgot about her husband, who, opening his mouth in admiration, examined the limit of his dreams - an expensive reel for fishing. Exactly the same was intended for Iso. He could not come today, but Serdar promised tomorrow to bring him such a cool gift.

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