86 Taming the stubborn

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The phrase sounded overconfident and elicited an ironic laugh from Tony Remarco. " You overestimate your masculine charisma," he said mockingly.

"Let's bet?" Niko suggested with narrowing his eyes and gestured to the manager, who was keenly watching all the evening to ensure that the guests were satisfied with the reception.

Excitement flashed in Tony's eyes. "For what?" He accepted the challenge.

The manager walked over to the men and stopped, listening to their conversation.

"If you win, I give you 20% of my shares in the Association of Jewelers," said Niko Bianco. "If I win, you give me the same amount of yours."

Tony Remarco was dumbfounded. "You play for high stakes," he said.

Niko chuckled wryly and said, "I don't see the point in playing small."

The bet was too tempting. Additional shares automatically strengthened Tony Remarco's position in the Association. But there was also a risk of losing his. He looked at Jansu Baisal. She, arm in arm with her cousin, walked across the hall to the exit. The posture of a queen, the independent look, and the gaze of the lioness indicated that this girl was too tough for mere mortals. And Niko Bianco, although he was handsome, was still an ordinary man. Not a God. Tony held out his hand and agreed, "Bet!"

Niko shook it and nodded to the manager. He broke their joined hands.

"Thank you," Niko thanked him and warned, "As you understand, the terms of the bet should remain secret."

The man nodded and replied, "Certainly, gentlemen."

He walked away. Niko, forgetting about him and his interlocutor, looked at the back of the retreating Jansu. Something flickered in the expression in his eyes that Tony Remarco almost backed down. Swallowing, he asked, "How are you going to provide evidence? The conditions are too serious to take your word for it."

"Will a photo suit you?" Niko asked without taking his eyes off the girl.

"Quite," Tony replied, amused. The shares were in his pocket. Jansu Baisal, even if she yields to the pressure of Niko Bianco, would never pose in bed.

After Jansu left, the reception for Niko became completely uninteresting. He found Monica. She was making eyes to an elderly Turkish man in a Louis Vuitton suit for several thousand dollars. After observing her efforts for a couple of minutes, he approached and briefly reported, "We are leaving."

"But the party has just begun ..." Monica tried to object.

"We're leaving," Niko ordered and, turning around, walked towards the exit.

Monica hastily said goodbye to the Turk in the expensive suit - and hurried after him.

"You're so impolite," she chided him as the elevator doors closed behind them.

Niko, swiftly turning around, pressed her with his whole body against the wall and, hypnotizing with a glance, said, "Politeness is not the quality that you value in me, is it?"

Monica felt dizzy. She was ready to forgive him everything: rudeness, indifference, mockery - if only his passion would scorch her further. But Niko pulled back and said indifferently, "Our floor."

He left the elevator without looking back at her. Monica caught up with him and muttered in displeasure, "Why did you take two rooms? Moreover, in such a luxurious hotel. Waste of money."

"I don't like to share a bed with anyone," he reminded her.

It was true. The women remained in his bed only as long as the sex lasted.

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