Chapter 51 - Doubt

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Omer looked at his wife in confusion and asked:

- Defne, who are you talking of? About Lаila?

"About her," she replied. - I can't logically explain my feelings, but I don't like her. There is something about her so ... fake. As if she deliberately tries to please everyone ... flatters, and at the same time, she hates and despises all.

Omer shrugged and thoughtfully scratched the stubble on his cheek.

- I didn't notice. She does the job well. It suits me. Otherwise, I don't care about her character.

Defne looked out the window. The sky was dark, it was raining. Slanting drops hit the glass and then flowed down in winding paths. Watching one of them, she spoke again:

- I understand that my words sound biased, but still I will say - it seems to me that Laila is capable of such meanness that happened yesterday. And others too. Maybe you'll consider firing her from Passionis?

Omer's eyes widened in surprise. He even shook his head, checking if what he heard was not a hallucination. His generous, kind-hearted Defne asks to fire Laila for no reason. Just because she doesn't like her. And hides her eyes. Frowning, he replied:

- Are you in agreement with Koray? He demands to fire her, and now you too.

- I do not demand, - Defne answered quietly. - I just suggest.

Omer got up and began to measure the office with wide steps. Stopping in front of his wife, who turned away from the window and looked at him with a keen glance of amber eyes, he spoke:

- How do you imagine it? I am firing a person whose guilt has not been proven! For what? How do I explain this to the other employees?

Defne turned pale and got up from the sofa. Looking straight into his eyes, she said with undisguised bitterness:

- You once kicked me out without proof. For the missing shoes. Do you remember? And you didn't think about how I would look like in the eyes of my colleagues.

Omer was confused. The words disappeared from his head, and he did not know at all how to respond to his wife's reproach. Why did she say this? After all, she cannot doubt him and his love. Or maybe?

- Defne, - he held out his hand to her, but she bypassed him and returned to her chair. Taking a pencil in her hands, she bent over the drawing and said in a dispassionate tone:

- Omer, go to your office. We both have a lot of work to do.

- What?! - Not believing his ears, he breathed out.

In two steps, overcoming the distance to her desk, he pulled the pencil out of her hands and threw it into the corner. Then he pressed his palms to the tabletop and bent down to her face. She looked into his eyes. She looked so cold. As Defne from the recent past. And he thought she was gone forever. That they are now one and understand each other like no other.

"Do you really think that some kind of assistant might matter to me?"

"I was also an assistant then... if you remember," ironic notes appeared in her voice.

- Don't you dare compare anyone to yourself! Omer shouted.

- Don't you dare shout at me! - Defne answered in the same tone.

"I'm sorry," he straightened and raised his hands. - Okay, let's both calm down and talk at home in the evening.

- Аt home? - asked Defne. It seemed to her that a tub of ice water had been turned on her. More recently, Omer said that they would not sort things out at home. And now, it seems, he completely forgot about his words. What or who made him forget? Defne smiled bitterly and agreed: - Well, let's talk at home.

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