Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires

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The last meeting before the trip to Milan was drawing to a close. The execution of the schedule for all points was checked and double-checked. No unforeseen circumstances were expected, and company executives were pleased with the work done.

Only one person threw a tantrum. Having learned that they were not going to take him to Milan, Koray began to demonstrate his proprietary methods of persuasion - sobbing with howls, imitation of a heart attack and unflattering characterization of each of the bosses.

He didn't pass by Tranba either. And he got a "stupid" tail, and voice, and the manner of smiling. Omer and Sinan, accustomed to such performances, only frowned and patiently waited for the end of the show, but the shocked Deniz could not stand it and, not believing what he was talking about, remarked that the photographer in Milan would not be superfluous. Advertising of both companies in the context of such a serious event is a great opportunity to gain a foothold at the Olympus for the Turkish shoe and make a name in Europe. And for this, they need more quality photos.

Koray, like a huge inflatable ball, jumped in place, clapped his hands and dropped a whole waterfall of compliments on Tranba's dazed head. It turned out that the ponytail on the male head is stylish and, in general, the last cry of fashion. And the voice is not squeaky, but noble and refined. And the smile is not idiotic at all, but very charming. The girls at the table, with their hands over their mouths, squealed with laughter, Omer looked at Tranba with incredulous astonishment, and Sinan touched his long-suffering ears, which so often fell into the tongue of the talkative photographer, and asked:

"And if I agree, will you sing praises to me?"

- I will! I will! My big-eared friend!

Everyone except Omer rolled in laughter. He just raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"You agreed." Then do not cry.

- And-and-and! Koray measured him with a scornful look. "Boring, cold man... skinny girl, how do you live with this bore?"

"I live well, Koray," the laughing Defne looked at her husband. His eyes warmed and sparkled with tenderness.

These glances were liked by Koray. He laid his chin on his fist and looked expectantly at the spouses.

- Well? Come on a kiss or something!

- Koray, stop it! Omer shouted at him. - Go to Derya, let her order a ticket for you. We are flying on Wednesday morning flight.

He did not have to repeat it. The photographer was blown away like a wind. His large body slipped between chairs with unprecedented ease and disappeared behind the door. Omer breathed a sigh of relief and addressed the others:

- And so, Milan is waiting for us. Wednesday - preparation of the stands and shop window. Thursday, Friday and Saturday - a fair where we have to work hard and on Sunday - a big reception at the Grand Hotel. Return tickets are booked on Monday. But Defne and I will stay in Italy for a week. I know that after Milan a huge front of work is planned, but we still have a honeymoon. And this is unfair.

Defne opens her mouth in surprise and shook her head.

- Mmmm honeymoon? She asked stuttering.

Omer gently squeezed her hand and answered:

- Honeymoon. But don't ask about anything now.

She nodded and smiled delightedly in response. Allah is all-merciful! And Koray still asked if she was bored with Omer. Which is boring? She lives in a kaleidoscope of surprises!

Sinan and Seda warmly supported the idea of Omer. Interrupting each other, they chattered that the young family needed to relax and be alone. Iz squinted at Deniz. He smiled broadly and looked very pleased. The girl, expecting to see anger and jealousy, looked away in confusion. What is it that turns out, the man whom she fell in love without looking back and was wildly jealous of the wife of her ex-boyfriend, does not have tender feelings for Defne? But what happened yesterday? And how can she understand this ironic Mr. Temptation? How tired she was of these thoughts! Turn them off ... for an hour at least.

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