Chapter 18 - Dreams

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Defne sat on a neatly made bed and bit her lips thoughtfully. Her eyes returned to the ring finger of her left hand. The ring shone with a warm, golden light in the sun. Defne stroked it and frowned. Ring. One ring. Omer put only one ring on her finger. She tried not to think about it for two days. Fortunately, it was not at all difficult. Omer did not give her a single free minute. Not a step away. Showered her with caresses and kisses. He loved her to exhaustion and demanded her undivided attention every minute and every second. He would still be nearby, and most likely the bed would not have looked so neat if Sinan had not called him on a very important issue. He went out onto the veranda, and she decided to go upstairs and collect their things. The boat will arrive for them in an hour and it was necessary to hurry.

But putting their clothes in their suitcase, she kept staring at the ring finger of her left hand. And uncertainty raised its head again. Why did Omer decide not to return his mom's ring to her finger? Doubts entered her head, but she resolutely fought them back. Omer loves her. He proved it in hundreds of different ways...

- My love!!! A velvet voice rumbled somewhere in the house. - Where are you?!

- Here! She answered. - In the bedroom!

Quick steps were heard and Omer burst into the room. Smiling, he tumbled down next to Defne on the bed and put an arm around her shoulders. Having buried his nose in her temple, he kissed a warm cheek and informed his wife:

- I miss you.

- So quickly? She answered mockingly and raised her face to him.

- Quickly?! I haven't seen you for twenty minutes! - His lips, leaving wet traces, moved to the corner of her mouth. - I missed you ... I missed you, - the lips continued their movement, kissed the tip of the nose, eyes, forehead. After each kiss, he whispered: - I can't breathe without you ... I can't live ... my love...

Defne wrapped her arms around his head and pushed him away from her. She looked into his eyes so piercingly, with such excruciating hope that Omer was frightened. What else did his wife think of for herself?

- Defne? He called.

"You really love me so much," she asked, and her huge, amber eyes looked straight into his soul.

- So much. Even more than that," Omer answered firmly. "How can I not love you?" You are so tender and beautiful. - He touched a finger to her lips. "When you're not with me, it's dark and cold." And when you smile at me, here, - he touched his chest with his hand, - the light turns on. It is so powerful that it drives the darkness out of my heart...

When in your hair, - Omer gently pulled at the red curl, - the sun gets confused and they sparkle - I fall into a stupor. And I can do nothing else but admire ... When you look at me sweetly with your amber eyes, - he took turns kissing the outer corners of her eyes, - I am dying of happiness. And when you say that you love me ... I feel like a King.

Defne caught her breath and the heart in her chest pounded like crazy.

"You are a King," she said hoarsely. - My king...

She pressed her lips to his mouth and Omer closed his eyes from piercing, incomparable pleasure. Defne loves him. That is happiness.

The phone began to buzz in his pocket. Both Omer and Defne sighed in disappointment - the outside world invaded their isolated paradise and reminded that it was time to return.

"Yes, Jean ... we're ready." We'll be there in ten minutes," the confident and powerful Omer Iplikci answered the call. But another one turned to Defne - loving and warm. He smiled with sincere regret and said:

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