Y/N: I wanted to ask if you are free right now. I am free and I wanted to meet up with you.

Dahyun: I am free! I can hangout with you today.

Y/N: I miss being able to hangout with you

Dahyun: I do too! Where will we be meeting up?

Y/N: Let's meet at xxx

Dahyun: Alright see you there!

Y/N: Bye Dahyun!

Dahyun: Bye Y/N!

I started squealing in excitement. I am so happy that I will finally be able to see her again. Maybe I should tell her what has been happening. I quickly got ready and then as I was about to head out the door Jihyo stopped me.

"Where are you going Dahyun?" Jihyo looked at me confused.

"Uh... to go see Y/N" She looked at me startled but they smirked.

"I see. Is something going to happen?" She made me feel startled.

"Not at all... I just wanted to see her." I told Jihyo as she slowly nodded. I don't think she believes me.

"Then you should let us go with you since we all wanna see her" I can tell she is joking so I giggled.

"Sorry Jihyo I want to see her first." I ran out of the door as fast as I could and waved to Jihyo.

"Alright I get it. I hope all goes well!" She screamed to me as she waved back.

"Thanks next time we can all visit Y/N together!" She smiled and nodded.

I drove to meet up with Y/N. Once I saw her I got out of the car and instantly ran to her.

"Y/N! I missed you!" I hugged her so tightly. I love this feeling I never want to let go of her.

"Hey Dahyun" She hugged me back which made me feel flustered. We both sat down on the bench next to each other.

"How have you been doing?" I missed this feeling of being next to her.

"I have been doing okay how about you?" I thought about it for a moment but then I spoke once again.

"Y/N is it okay if I take to you about something that has been quite frustrating to me lately?" I feel like a conversation hogger but I want to let Y/N know.

"Yeah sure you can talk to me about anything" Her words instantly felt comforting to me.

"Well... I broke up with Momo recently." She looked at me shocked.

"W-What why?" I can't tell if she is happy or upset that I broke up with Momo.

"I wasn't too happy in the relationship as much as I was before. I also have been having a lot of my mind recently which was too difficult for me to be in a relationship with her." I looked at the ground because I was afraid to look at Y/N.

"I know it must be very hard for you at the moment but my advice to you is that you should try to give yourself some time to recover from being with someone. I believe everything happens for a reason so maybe this is a sign that there is someone better out there for you." At the last sentence she smiled at me. Does she know the amount of power she holds against me? She is killing me.

"I agree I believe there is someone out there better for me. But thank you Y/N for being here with me." I looked at her smiling. Then I clung onto her arm and then laid my head on her shoulder.

"It feels really nice to be able to talk to you. You are the only one who is able to comfort me with just being here." I said to Y/N.

"I-I'm so glad I can be that comfort for you." She lays her head on my head which made me feel flustered.

"Thank you for listening to my mess... I know it can be a lot at times." I embarrassingly said to her while scratching my nape.

"Of course anything for you! We are all human and we all have feelings so it's only normal for us. Plus I care for you a lot, maybe a lot more than you realize." I am so glad she understands me.

"Hey how about you is there anything that has been going on?" It's a sudden change I know but I wanted to hear what is going on with her.

"In all honesty I think I am okay. I have just been trying to get used to going back to University. It has been completely difficult because I am always surrounded by people." Has the people in her University made her feel uncomfortable??

"Is there anyone that is bothering you?" I asked her.

"Not really, it's only some people that bother me with making rude comments that I dislike but I try to shove it off." Jeez what is wrong with the people in her school.

"Who?! Who is being mean to you? I am going to go after them! How dare they be rude to you!" I screamed out loud to her which she became startled.

"Calm down Dahyun it's okay! I understand there will be those who will dislike me out there but it's best to just let them be and not let their words bother me." She held onto my hand to calm me down but I could feel my heart racing faster and faster.

"Hey I think it's getting late I think we should head home now." She said to me which made me sad.

"Aw what already?" I pouted.

"Sadly yeah, I'll take you home" She pouted at me too.

"Thank you Y/N"

She drove me off but before I went inside I saw her standing so I ran to her and hugged her.

"I know for the next few months we will both be busy because of school and my promotions but I really hope to be able to see you soon. I will really miss talking to you and being able to hug you just like this." I told her.

"I will miss talking to you too. I hope there will be a day that we will be free so that we can meet up like this again. But till then I will be looking forward to it." I really hope she feels the same way as me.

"Bye Y/N!"

"Bye Dahyun! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight sweet dreams." She said as she walked back to her car and drove off.

I walked inside the dorms and it seems as if everyone was asleep. I sat on the couch for a few minutes to realize what happened today.

A few minutes later I realized I could've confessed to Y/N but I don't think it was the perfect time to confess to her since I just got out of a relationship. I promise Y/N... I will make my confession to you as perfect as possible because I love you.

A Not So Perfect Love Story (Dahyun X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now