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Lou95: Sure, Harry.

H_S_97: What?! Does that mean I'm your best friend?

Lou95: I guess you could be, but you've got to be nice. No more insulting my dick

H_S_97: lol can't insult something that's not there

Lou95: You're an asshole and I hate you

H_S_97: HAHAHAHA I'm sorry I had to. I promise that's the last one.

Lou95: Sure it is, but whatever.

H_S_97: Don't be mad, let's play a game. Since we are newly best friends, we should get to know each other. Let's play 20 questions again

Lou95: ugh, fine. I hate this game, but okay. I'll start… what's your favorite song?

H_S_97: um… Idk. I listen to a lot of music, so I can't really pick a favorite. I guess anything by the 1975 or Fall Out Boy. Oh wait, I also really like Simple Plan. Those are some great bands.

Lou95: I've heard of them, but don't really listen to them. And it's your turn.

H_S_97: Oh right, sorry. Who's your favorite actor & actress?

Lou95: My favorite actor is Adam Sandler, I love his stuff. And my favorite actress is Jennifer Lawrence. She's so funny and I completely relate to almost everything she says.

H_S_97: lol me too. Your turn

Lou95: What color eyes do you have?

H_S_97: Oh so we're allowed to ask personal questions? This is perfect. I'm evilly laughing rn. And my eyes are green. What about yours?

Lou95: Nice question, real original. My eyes are a bluish color, I hate them though. They are weird. What color hair do you have? Is it blond?

H_S_97:  *blonde

 Lou95: Actually if you're referring to a male than the correct use of that word is spelled like blond. If you were a female than it would end in an e, but since you're a dude than it doesn't have an e at the end.

H_S_97: Brown my hair is brown you idiot

Lou95: hahahaha omg, that was perfect. You just avoided my entire message lol. And my hair is brown too!!

H_S_97: I care

Lou95: No need to get all mad. Just because I was right doesn't mean you can get mad. You should get used to it, I'm always right

H_S_97: Um, no. I'm always right, thank you very much.

Lou95: If you were always right then you would be driving on the right side of the road. But since you and your stupid English friends drive on the left side then that makes you left, not right. I'm right and you're not.

H_S_97: … I don't know how to argue that

Lou95: Exactly. And it's your turn

H_S_97: Are you some sort of grammar teacher or something? Do you teach English?

Lou95: That's two different questions, but I guess I could answer them, but only because I'll be asking two questions.

Lou95: I am not a grammar teacher, nor am I an English teacher. I'm only eighteen, God. And my questions are… this is hard. Um… is your hair curly or straight? And how tall are you?

H_S_97: I don't need your sucking sass Lou. And my hair is unruly curly, it's a mess I swear. It's always hanging in my eyes. I need to cut it but I'm too lazy to make an appointment at the hair dressers. And to answer that last question in the easiest way possible, I'm about 5'9" to 5'10". I haven't been to the doctors in a while though, so I'm not sure

Lou95: the answer to a question I never asked.

H_S_97: -_-

Lou95: Haha I'm kidding, and I'm about your height too, maybe a little shorter. It's been a while since I've been at the doctors too. Now it's your turn.

H_S_97: Is the reason why you keep asking me about my facial and physical looks because you want a selfie?

Lou95: Caught me red handed. I actually have been wondering what you look like.

H_S_97: I'm actually really attractive, I promise. Totally 100% drool worthy

Lou95: I'll believe that when I see your face. Now come on, send me a picture.

H_S_97: You want something dirty or nah?

Lou95: Nah nah. I do not want a dick pick. Or a picture of the empty space between your legs

H_S_97: Now you're not getting a picture of me.

Lou95: Oh no, I'm so upset. I'll go cry myself to sleep

H_S_97: you are a l o s e r

Lou95: What the fuck did I tell you about those stupid space things? God, I hate that. Do not do that

H_S_97: Okay, okay. On one condition, I want a selfie first.

Lou95: You're the worst possible human in the entire world.

H_S_97: Come on, just send me a picture. Please? I'm curious to know who my best friend looks like

Lou95: I don't… I don't really have anything to send a picture with

H_S_97: The app lets you take pictures and send them, what are you talking about? Oh wait, are you on a computer or something?

Lou95: Yeah, something like that

H_S_97: … okay well then just use your phone or something

Lou95: I don't have a phone. Look, I got to go. I'll talk to you whenever

H_S_97: No wait, don't go yet.

H_S_97: Louis?

H_S_97: I’m sorry I didn't know.

H_S_97: Come back

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

There's the chapter. I hope you liked it. Sorry if it's shorter than normal or something like that.

-  Mandi  -

>>>Gif on the side is of Harry laughing while messaging Louis

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