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D E C E M B E R  24TH

L O U I S'  P. O. V


I woke up to the sound of pounding at my door. I was so tired after spending most of the night thinking of Harry, so now I feel like the world has flipped around and I have no idea what's going on. But the pounding on the door made me realize that there was someone out there and I needed to answer the door. I climbed out of my bed, nearly tripping over the cover that somehow managed to wrap itself around my foot. I cursed to myself and found my balance again.

Stumbling to the door, I pulled it open. Darren was standing on the other side of the door, a brown box in his hand. An angry expression was on his face as he shoved the box into my hands. "If you're going to order something from online, at least get it delivered later in the day you worthless fuck." He spat me.

Darren stalked off, leaving me utterly confused and tired. My brain still hadn't caught up to what was going on and I felt like I was going to drop to the floor and sleep for another few hours. But the heavy box was calling to me and I knew that I would have to open it. I closed and locked the door and then set the box on my dresser. With one look at it, and the pink duck tape that was taped on the top, I knew who it was from.

"Goddammit Harry." I cursed. I specifically told him not to get me anything for my birthday. I shook my head and looked at the top, seeing my name and address written in a sloppy yet readable handwriting. A smile tugged at my lips. It was Harry's penmanship. It was kind of cute.

I grabbed a pair of scissors from my junk drawer - which was really the stuff that was on the floor and I didn't to get it off the floor - and started to cut away at the tape. I have no idea what the hell this kid could've sent me and I had a bad feeling about it. Although I've never gone shopping with him, I have a feeling that he'll buy just about anything that gets his attention.

When I finally got the tape off of the box I opened it up. Packing peanuts were in the box and I laughed. When I was younger I loved those things. There was a white envelope sitting at the top, towards the front of the box. My name was written on the top and I took it out of the box. My finger traced over my name for a second before I carefully opened the card.

As soon as I read the card I started to laugh. It was a terrible pun about soccer and to be honest, it was kind of perfect. When I opened the card up, still chuckling a little bit, I saw that one side of the card was covered in Harry's written words, from top to bottom.

Babymunchkincakes, I laughed reading this part. My stomach feeling giddy at the pet name. I still don't really like them but I actually like it a lot when he calls me that.

Happy birthday! You're nineteen today and damn, you are really old. I guess that all that daddy kink took a toll on you, huh? Well, anyway… I don't want to make this incredibly long but I don't want it to be short and stupid. Being this the first of your birthday's we celebrate (it won't be the last) I wanted to make it special.

So I hope you like your gifts. Don't worry about the cost or anything, which I know you are. I just wanted to show you that I really care for you. You're the most important person in my life right now and I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you mate. Once again, Happy Birthday!! If I could send a cake I would.

- Your Haz xx

My Haz. Mine. A smile tugged at my lips and I honestly felt like crying. No one, and I mean no one, has ever cared for me this much. My father loved me, yes, but he never cared for me the way Harry has. No one ever has and that's probably the reason why I'm so drawn to Harry.

Sinking Ships | L.S |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora