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F E B R U A R Y  1ST

I smiled, staring down at the huge cake that's in front of me. A picture of me when I was about five or so was designed on the cake. It was laughable at how big my eyes looked in the picture. I suppose it's better than the picture of me in my mothers' bra. That would have been much more embarrassing. I don't think that I would be able to live that down.

My entire day has actually been a lot of fun. When I woke up this morning my parents were actually there to eat breakfast with me. We had my favorite, blueberry pancakes with homemade hash browns and then sausages. After our breakfast my parents took me out to the club and we all played a match of football. I haven't played football with my father since… well it's been a while. It was really nice to show them my skills in that department since they never made it to one of my games. My mother played as well, although she isn't as good as me or my father. She still laughed it off. It's been a while since she's laughed.

After our game of football we went out to lunch, some fancy place that my mother picked out. I didn't mind the healthy food this time, being that I've grown used to it, and because my family was in such a good mood. I didn't know why my eighteenth birthday was such a big deal. Especially because they never paid attention to my birthdays before.

But it was a great day. I wanted to talk to Louis but I've been so busy. After having lunch with my folks we came home to get ready for my birthday party. It was at a dining hall in the heart of London. My parents had put Olivia in charge of the guest list so there were a lot of people here I didn't really like. I couldn't blame Olivia for it though; I've never told her that. She thinks that I'm friends with him.

It isn't so bad though, I've gotten a lot of presents because of it. However if I had my own way with the party, it would just be me and my laptop or phone. Now that would have been great. But it's not the case for right now. Although I am thankful for the party. It really is nice, I like it a lot. It's just not really me. I don't really care for big parties. I would have much rather have a smaller one with just a few close friends. Like Olivia, I don't mind her company all that much anymore, and Ian. Maybe my parents as well, although it would make things awkward for Ian.

Either way, a huge party is what I got. So now I'm standing in front of a cake with everyone circling me, waiting for me to make a wish and blow out the candles. I closed my eyes, leaning in to blow out the candles. I wish I could meet Louis in real life. I let out the breath of air and the candles went out, everyone clapping after.

"Oh, happy birthday baby." Olivia said, wrapping her arms around my waist. I'm not going to lie, she's much more affectionate in front of my parents then she usually. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, which seemed to make her happy.

"Thanks Olivia, and thanks for this party. I know you were most likely in charge of most of it. My parents probably just gave you the money, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it was nice of them. Now let's eat some cake. It looks delicious." She said. I was actually surprised that my parents are letting me eat some cake for once. I guess it's because of my birthday.

"Excuse me, but before we have the cake we need to give Harry his gift." My father said, yelling over the teenagers surrounding us. For the most part they quieted down, allowing me to respond to my father.

"Why don't you just put it in the pile with the others?" I asked, nodding my head towards the table full of gifts. I'm not going to lie, I really cannot wait until I get to open them up.

"Because this is from us. Now, sit down." My father said, nodding his head towards the chair to my left. Ian, who was leaning against it, moved out of the way and I sat down. My mother came around the table and handed me a small, wrapped in blue paper box. I carefully unwrapped it, knowing that my parents hated it when I ripped the wrapping paper to shreds.

I opened the box up and looked inside. In the box was a set of keys. Car keys. My face lit up into a smile and I stood up, hugging my mother. I couldn't believe that they had gotten me a car. I don't even have my license yet and I won't until this summer. I guess I could go earlier, but still.

"Happy birthday Harry. The car is back at the house but we wanted to give it to you right now. Now you can have the cake, as soon as Tony cuts it that is." My mother said. I nodded and looked back at the box, pulling the keys from the box and slipping them into my back pocket. I can't believe that they got me a car. This really is the best birthday ever.

-  -  -  -

Lou95: I can't believe that your parents bought you a lamborghini for your birthday

H_S_97: I know. I'm really happy they bought me a car, like it was such a surprise, but I didn't think that it would be a lamborghini. It's a really nice car though. Is it wrong that I don't feel guilty for accepting it

Lou95: What? God no. I would accept it faster than a prostitute accepts a hundred dollar bill

H_S_97: hahahaha omg that was perfect. But anyway, are you ready to Skype? I'm so excited haha

Lou95: lol yeah, call me whenever.

H_S_97: kk, I'll call you in a minute. I have to go grab my laptop

I locked my phone and set it on my night stand, next to the keys to my new car. I can't believe they got me a car. It's mind blowing. I shook my head and climbed off my bed. I started making my way towards the closet. On my way there I decided that I should bring my phone, just in case. I turned around and quickly grabbed my phone before heading back to my closet.

Skyping Louis was going to be different. I couldn't wait to see his face. I wonder if he's shaven. I hope not, I really like the scruffy look that he has. I wish I could grow facial hair but I just can't. I mean, I can. I've got a little scruff but it's nothing much. Nothing compared to Louis. Then again, he is a year older than me. Yesterday he was two years older than me…

I sat down at my desk and started turning up my laptop. Louis texted me back through the Writers101 app. He just said that he was waiting. It sounded like a booty call. Imagine if it was… I shouldn't go there. When my laptop finally loaded up I typed in my password, which allowed me access to the actual part of the laptop. I smiled at my background and then pressed the S that stood for Skype on my taskbar.

When the page loaded I went to the search bar and put in Louis' username, which is the same as on Writers101. I shook my head, he needs to be more original. I added him to my contacts and then put the curser over the call button. God, I was so nervous.

What if we didn't get along in person? Well not in person, but through Skype. I don't know what I would do if that would happen. I can't believe that I’m skyping him. Then again, I am the one that wanted to Skype in the first place. I am excited about it, I'm just nervous.

I finally shook the thoughts from my head and pressed the call button. While it was calling I plugged in my white head phones to the computer and then slide them into my ears. This way I can hear him better I guess. I tapped my fingers against the desk and waited for another ten seconds or so before Louis accepted the call. I got even more nervous as Skype connected the call. It took a minute because of the wifi reception, I'm assuming. Finally it connected and Louis' face filled the laptop screen.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

I don't know if that's a cliff hanger or not but whatever. I wanted the skype call to be in Louis' P.O.V for obvious reasons.

The Skype call will be the next chapter, so get ready lol

-  Mandi  -

>>>Picture on the side is how Harry looks for the skype call

>>>Picture in the external link is what Harry's car looks like. He's so lucky he's got rich parent so to buy him shit. 

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