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 "That, Louis, is Peter. My brother." I breathed out, looking down at the picture. It was from a while ago. I was only seven at the time and Peter was just about ten. Our three year ago difference was never a problem, we were as close as could be. We were the two perfect sons that were raised by our parents. We had to act perfect, because that was what we were supposed to do. Until he left.

The frame was taken from my hands and I raised my head, looking at Louis. He set the frame down before reach across the same distance between us and taking my hands. "You had a brother? Why didn't you tell me?" Louis asked quietly.

"I... I couldn't do it. Peter was, he was my best friend." I said.

Talking about Peter was really  hard to do on my part. We were always so close and we did everything together. When he left it took its toll on me. My parents were so upset over it and the media went crazy - 'The Styles' Son Flees Home', it was all over the place. It caused my father's business to falter a little, and that was when I became the golden child. The center of attention and I was dragged to everything that I could possibly be dragged to.

"Hey, hey." Louis said, pulling my hands so now I was pressed up against him. My hands were dropped and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to." He said.

I shook my head. "No, no, I want to tell you. It's just hard to get out." I said, closing my eyes. Louis' hands rubbed up and down my back and I wrapped my arms around his back. It felt so nice to finally have him in my arms. I've wanted this for months and now that I've finally gotten it I don't ever want to let it go. This is it for me, I know it. I know I'm young and so is he and this entire experience is so damn crazy, but I can't help but feel this way.

"Take your time, I've got you." Louis whispered. I smiled, knowing that he did have me. I would be able to talk to him about anything, I know that.

"Peter and I were really close," I begin, opening my eyes and holding onto Louis just a little bit tighter. "He was three years older than me, so it wasn't too bad. We were literally best friends. We did everything together, he's the one that taught me how to play footie. He was the older brother, so he took the blunt of my parent's activities. He'd be the one that went to the charity and business dinners, he'd do that all the time for me. But he... he left." I said.

"What do you mean he left?" Louis asked.

"I was fifteen, he had just turned eighteen. I came home from school that day, excited because I had made the year nine football team. I went up to his room and he was just... gone. Everything in his room was gone. Except the school awards and other things like that, they were still there. But his clothes were gone, his phone, his laptop. I tried to get in touch with him but he changed his number." I said.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry." Louis said, pushing me away slightly to look at my face. "I'm really sorry for you, you didn't deserve that. Has he tried to get into contact with you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I don't think so. I have no idea where he went. I think he went out to the colonies. Or, the states. But I'm too scared to look for him." I said.

"I really am sorry Haz, I wish you would've told me." He sounded so sincere and for that I loved him.

"It's fine. But more importantly, my parents are forcing me to go to a business dinner party and I really want you to come. I know you literally just got here but please, come? I don't want to leave you and I said you were my friend and they have to meet you eventually and just, please?" I rambled on, absentmindedly rubbing my hands up and down his back.

"Will there be food?" He asked.


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