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-  First mature scene in the book, this is the last warning in the book. Enjoy ;)  -

F E B R U A R Y  23RD


H_S_97: Hey, we haven't talked in so long

EvanS: Yeah I know, jeez. What's up? How's Olivia?

H_S_97: She's really good ig. but my parents are still forcing us to be together rn. I think that she doesn't like me anymore though, she's been acting weird

EvanS: What do you mean?

H_S_97: Every since the 15th she's been acting strange. Whenever we are forced to hang out, well not forced but we have to to please our parents, she's always on her phone. Hell, we haven't kissed in like, two weeks. I don't really mind because I don't like her like that, but it's weird. I think she might break up with me

EvanS: Well that's good. You won't be tied down to someone

H_S_97: Yeah, true. But enough about me, what's up with you?

EvanS: Oh my God, do I have something to tell you. School started up again and it sucks, but whatever. Anyway, there's this new girl in my year. Her name is Melanie. Anyway, we became friends. That was it, JUST FRIENDS. But the other night I had this dream about her. I don't want to get too graphic but it wasn't a clean dream

H_S_97: lol you wet the bed for her?

EvanS: That makes it seem liked I peed. But yes, though that is not the point. Anyway, after that dream I've got these weird ass feelings for her.

H_S_97: Sexually or…?

EvanS: Just in general. Every time she laughs my heart stops and she's so pretty and dear God I'm pretty sure she's good in the sack too.

H_S_97: So you like her?

EvanS: Yes, I do. I'm thinking about asking her out. It's weird though. I never thought that I would have started having feelings for her because of a dream

H_S_97: love works in mysterious ways.

-  -  -  -

H  A R R Y ' S  P. O. V

"Shut up would you?" I asked, laughing as I looked into the screen. Louis was laughing, his eyes squinting shut and a huge smile danced across his face. This was the third time we've Skyped since our first time on my birthday, so the total being four. Skyping with Louis was so much better than talking to him through text. Although the texting brings me back to when we first started talking, talking through Skype is better. I can see his smile and hear his laugh. I can actually listen to him instead of just reading a text.

"You're just jealous of my tattoos." He remarked, referring to our previous conversation.

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner and watched as he grabbed the glass of water he had been drinking. He put the rim to his lips and met my eyes through the camera. I pulled a funny yet weird face and he laughed, causing the water to spill out onto the shirt that covered his torso. I laughed loudly and watched as he jumped back, shrieking as the cold water hit his skin. He set the glass down and pulled off the dark shirt that he was wearing. My mouth dried and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat.

His chest had a few tattoos that littered his chest. It is what it is was written across his upper chest, the font in an almost script style. Most of the tattoos were on his right side of the body, although the lighting some his room enabled me from seeing them in more detail. I could however, see his chest. He wasn't one of those guys that had a six pack, or muscles on top of muscles. It was obvious that he did have muscles though, I could see them in his chest. He was a tad on the skinny side, though that was probably due to the fact that he doesn't have a lot of food around him. But he was definitely fit and I found myself wondering what his skin felt like. I licked my lips before taking my bottom lip between my teeth.

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