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A U G U S T  29TH

I tuned out the sound of lockers slamming and turned the corner, walking towards my first period class. Since today is the first day of school I wasn't carrying anything, aside from my phone and a pen. The pen was for when I had to sign some class contracts, stupid things that just state I know the rules and will follow them. My phone was because it's practically glued to my hand and also for another reason. In case Louis' decided to message me.

I haven't talked to him since the seventeenth and I already miss him. I miss the stupid banter we'd have and the stupid conversation we would have. I don't know why I miss something that I've barely had, but I knew I did miss it. I shouldn't have pushed Louis so much into explaining things to me. I shouldn't have said what I said. Looking at our conversation from someone else's point of view they would probably say something along the lines of it not being my fault. But it was. Louis was obviously offended by something I said and I feel bad about it.

Louis might not have the technology I have. I don't really understand how he's on a computer since he could easily take a picture with the camera on his laptop or something. But then again, his laptop might not have a camera. It might not even be a laptop. I don't know his situation. He's culturally different than I am, maybe all Americans are like this. But I doubt it. When I went to L.A. on vacation one year everyone was on their phones or something like that. Maybe he's just not in a finically stable place right now.

"Harry, babe." I heard someone call. I turned to look, accidently bumping into someone. I mumbled an apology and turned to look down the hallway. Olivia was making her way towards me, dressing in her school uniform. The guys wear khakis while the girls can either wear khakis or a skirt, made out of the same material that khakis are made of. Olivia was wearing the skirt today, showing off her tan legs. If I was attracted to her than I would probably be checking her out right now. But I'm not.

"Oh, I missed you so much in the past few days. Where have you been hanging out?" Olivia said as she finally caught up to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me down slightly, pressing a quick kiss to my lips. I licked my lips, tasting a strawberry flavor. I didn't like lip gloss. It was gross and sticky. Not to mention it didn't taste good, despite how good it smells.

"I'm sorry Olivia, I've been preparing for school and everything. Did I tell you? I made captain on the football team." I said, a genuine smile on my face. I received the news yesterday and I'm really excited to be captain. I can't wait until our first practice. Ian made the team as co captain so I'm really happy that I'll be able to work with him for the team. We're practically in charge of the entire time.

"Oh my God, that's great! I'm so proud of you! I'm going to come to every single game, well, the home ones. No promises on the away games." Olivia said, giggling. I couldn't help the small laugh that came from me and I was a bit surprised how easily I laughed with her. I guess I'm just so excited.

"I should probably get going. I need to get to my maths class, but I'll see you at lunch, right?" I asked. She nodded and I leaned down, kissing her cheek briefly. I know it would make her happy if I did and if she's happy, then her parents are, which would mean my parents are.

Olivia said her goodbyes and I turned away, heading down towards my classroom. I finally found the room number, recognizing the room from a study hall I had last year. Walking into the room, I groaned seeing how my classmates are. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mumbled under my breath. I had all the popular kids in my class. You know the type. Loud, obnoxious, and so annoying. I really hated the popular group of kids. Well, I don't hate them. But they still piss me off. They barely care about school, despite the fact that school is going to shape their entire future. I don't get why someone would waste it.

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