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J A N U A R Y  25TH


H_S_97: The Walking Dead is coming so soon and I am not ready

Lou95: haha I know right. I can't wait to see Judith. She's the cutest baby in the entire world

H_S_97: I don't know about that, I think that our kids will be cuter

Lou95: You don't skip a beat, do you?

H_S_97: Nah, not really. I thought that it was pretty clever though

Lou95: You think everything thing you do is clever

Lou95: which isn't true

H_S_97: You weren't saying that when I was balls deep in you last night

Lou95: omg what is our problem

H_S_97: my problem is that we aren't dating, that's my problem. Actually no, it's because we aren't married yet

Lou95: I told you

Lou95: When you ask me properly I'll say yes

H_S_97: You know what, no. You have to ask. I quit asking you. I'll just wait for you to ask me

Lou95: Then you'll be waiting forever

H_S_97: Goddammit Lou, you were supposed to ask me to get married. Play your part!!

Lou95: Well I'm sorry! I didn't realize that this was some sort of play

H_S_97: ugh whatever, you make me so upset. Anyway… we need to set up the details for our skype date

Lou95: oh yeah, speaking of that. I need to cancel

H_S_97: WHAT? WHY?!?!

Lou95: the superbowl, duh

H_S_97: Are you serious rn

Lou95: *right now

Lou95: and lol no. I was just messing around with you

H_S_97: fucking asshole. I hate you

Lou95: You weren't saying that when I was balls deep in you last night

H_S_97: don't steal my fucking lines. That's my line and you can't just steal it

Lou95: #sorrynotsorry

Lou95: ew God no. I tried to hash tag but I just couldn't. I'm cringing

H_S_97: haha you like to think you're so cool

Lou95: wtf that was so random

H_S_97: I thought you didn't like text talk

Lou95: I don't

H_S_97: You literally just used one 0.2 seconds ago

Lou95: no I didn't

H_S_97:  ….anyway so I was thinking that we could Skype around 10 my time. So that would make it 5 your time. I would make it later for me but I have school the next day

Lou95: lol nerd

H_S_97: *someone that's actually going places in there life

Lou95: *their

Lou95: for a nerd you aren't really that smart

H_S_97:  …..So we should probably keep in touch that entire day before the skype, just in case something happens. I'm actually really excited for this.

Lou95: lol me too. Are you going to look like a lesbian while we are Skyping. I'll bet you will

H_S_97: ha you are so funny! I've been wearing my hair differently, thank you very much. I no longer look a lesbian. And that could be very homophobic man, you should chill

Lou95: how are you wearing your hair now?

H_S_97: [new picture message]

H_S_97: do I look like a lesbian to you? I look hot af

Lou95: lol no you don't and sure you do

H_S_97: Just admit it, you love me. How could you not? look at my face

Lou95: Are you going to be this cocky when we Skype?

H_S_97: haha probably not. On Skype I'll be my actual self

Lou95: what do you mean?

H_S_97: well you know my internet side. The side that's cocky and flirty and confident. My real self is actually pretty shy and obedient

Lou95: obedient, eh?

H_S_97: haha that sounded sexual, didn't it?

Lou95: lol yeah. But Harry you should be your real self on here

H_S_97: Nah, I shouldn't. I wouldn't say ten things to you lol. Besides, over the internet I am so much more funnier

Lou95: yeah… funny…

H_S_97: stfu

Lou95: Harold Styles what the fuck did I tell you about those stupid texting terms

H_S_97: Hey you used one before

Lou95: okay well that was my mistake.

H_S_97: mhm

H_S_97: You should send me a picture of yourself. Or we could just snapchat

Lou95: I don't snapchat and hold on I got to turn on the light lol

Lou95: [new picture message]

H_S_97: You haven't shaved, have you?

Lou95: nope and I won't until tomorrow

H_S_97: you know…

Lou95: what do I know?

H_S_97: that beard would look pretty good between my legs

Lou95: I hate you

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

I miss him already. It can't just be four memebers, it's weird. It has to be five. I hope that this is all some joke...

-  Mandi  -

>>>The picture on the side is of our baby

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