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J A N U A R Y  2ND



Lou95:  ….should I be scared?


Lou95: vaguely

H_S_97: I got a 95 on it!!

Lou95: lol

Lou95: nerd

H_S_97: Hey, don't hate just because you wish you were as smart as I am

Lou95: you're going to go to such an amazing college, I swear

H_S_97: haha I hope

Lou95: Shouldn't you be hearing back from them soon?

H_S_97: Yeah, sometime this month. I'm really excited and nervous lol

Lou95: You're going to get into every school. I know it.

H_S_97: But I've never had a job. What if the University doesn't like the fact that I haven't had a job?

Lou95: I'm sure that with your soccer record, school academics, and your family status, you'll get into a great school

H_S_97: What do you mean by family status?

Lou95: Well if a college is using your dads program system. How could it look if they turned down the most intelligent, amazing, brilliant, student?

H_S_97: Brilliant? Amazing? Intelligent? Does Louis have a crush on me?

Lou95: ha, you wish I did.

H_S_97: Anyway, thanks for that. Oh and I have more news that I want to talk about but I don't want to seem like I’m bragging

Lou95: Haz I've known you long enough to know that you don't really brag, unless you're talking about that tic tac of a dick you have

H_S_97: First off, my dick is bigger than yours, and second, you know my book?

Lou95: Footsteps in the Sand, how could I forget?

H_S_97:  Well anyway… it hit 15 million reads!!! omg I can't believe it. I feel like I’m going to cry

Lou95: that's great Harry! Really, I mean it. I'm so happy for you. It really is a great book, you're going to get in published some day.

H_S_97: I really hope so. Unfortunately I'm under 18 for now, but maybe in the future? God, it's my dream you know. I want to be on the best sellers list so badly. I want my work published into an actual book on pages. I want people to turn to my book when they need a friend like the way I did to my books.

H_S_97: sorry, I just got excited

Lou95: don't be sorry Haz, it really is amazing how much you want this. It's going to happen for you. Even if I have to personally message Writers101 until they realize how much you deserve to be published

H_S_97: haha thanks Lou


H_S_97: I can't tell you!!!

Lou95: Please? I'm your best friend! I have to find out if it was Molly's sister in the closet. Please tell me?

H_S_97: It's not that I don't trust you, because I know you won't tell anyone if I tell you what happens. I just don't want to spoil it for you. There is a HUGE plot twist coming

Lou95: I don't even care, just tell me.

H_S_97: fine!!

H_S_97: The dead body is actually Molly's half brother

Lou95: the fuck?!?! She has a half brother? From what side of the family? Omg Harry tell me

H_S_97: haha that's all you get.

Lou95: ugh I hate you

H_S_97: people keep telling me that for my latest cliff-hanger. I know that they don't mean it so I always reply with a winky face or a smiley face.

Lou95: hehe I know someone famous

H_S_97: lol no you don't. I'm not famous. I may be internet famous, but it's different then being famous. And don't use that word, I hate that word

Lou95: lol why?

H_S_97: because it's like, when someone becomes 'famous', that's all that they are known for. They aren't known for who they were before, or who they are after. Someone will be like, "he's not famous anymore". It's just stupid

H_S_97: sorry for that. I bet I sounded weird

Lou95: lol you didn't. You sounded like you've put a lot of thought into it

H_S_97: Nah, not really. It's just something that's always circulated my head. Anyway, there was this awesome fight at school today

Lou95: What happened?

H_S_97: Okay so these two girls in my school, Kelsey Rims and Jenna Kecks, were talking at the lunch table right next to mine. I guess Jenna got pretty mad because she stood up and then Kelsey stood up. Now, Kelsey is a tough girl. Like you do not want to mess with her. Out of nowhere Jenna punches Kelsey in the gut. I swear Kelsey has steam coming from her ears. The next thing I knew Kelsey punched Jenna back and then got her into a choke hold. It was a total chick fight. I swear, it was so cool

Lou95: I can't believe I missed it, ugh. I always miss the fights

H_S_97: haha you should have been here

Lou95: -_-

Lou95: I was in a fight once

H_S_97: Let me guess, you lost

  Lou95:  shut the fuck up, I won

H_S_97: oh please, enlighten me of this story

Lou95:  …you're such a nerd with your fancy words. And okay

Lou95: So I was in school, this was a few years ago. I was just innocently walking to my locker - no one talked to me, they didn't like me. I guess they didn't care for my tattoos but whatever. Anyway, so this stupid junior came up to me and started talking shit to me. He said it was because I slept with his girlfriend, WHICH I DID NOT. The next thing I know he punched me.

Lou95: So being the person I am, I punched him back. It was a huge fight, I think he hit a teacher by accident lol. I really don't remember, I hit my head on the locker. All I know is that I won the fight and was suspended for a week.

H_S_97: HAHAHAHA I wish I could've seen that. It would've been hot seeing you like that. Maybe you should take some of that aggression into the bedroom

Lou95: I'm literally glaring at my iPod right now. You need to stop with all these sexual jokes

H_S_97: you love them and you know it

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I hope you liked the chapter. Harry is such a nerd omg

-  Mandi  -

>>>Gif on the side is of Harry talking to Louis and omg his eyes are the definition of beautiful

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