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Y/N was going through something

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Y/N was going through something.

It was the kind of something where she didn't know whether to dye her hair an unnatural color, scarf down all her comfort foods or simply cry. She was coming to the conclusion that perhaps she needed a bit of everything.

For the last two days the only thing she'd been doing in her room was pacing.

Her overwhelming thoughts had become so loud and prominent that she hadn't left her room whatsoever. Not even to eat. She still had plenty of oatmeal, fruit and coffee to last her another week.

Technically, she wasn't breaking her promise to Remus about eating breakfast. She just wasn't eating at the hall like they had discussed.

She had even begun to chew on the inside of her cheek- a habit she only did when she was extremely stressed.

A noise at her window brought her out of her thoughts and she made her way towards the window where she saw the family owl, Archimedes- Archie for short.

Y/N had always loved the movie the Sword in the Stone and when her family purchased an owl her second year at Hogwarts for sending letters to and from, it was Y/N's genius idea to name her owl after the one in the movie she adored as a kid.

She quickly let the grey and white animal in and squealed, hugging him close to her chest. "I've missed you my love," she exclaimed and the owl cooed in response.

It had been well over a year since the last time she'd seen Archie and she'd missed her beloved owl dearly.

Taking the letter from him, she sat down at her desk and opened it.

Dearest Y/N,

How have you been? Your father and I are still over the moon you've decided to teach at Hogwarts. It's much better this way, don't you think? We didn't want you teaching at an incompetent school in the muggle world. You're far too smart for them, dear. How was your first week? We hope you're adjusting well and that you're enjoying yourself. If you ever need anything you know you can always ask us, dear.

With love,
Mom and Dad

Y/N rolled her eyes yet couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Although she had a rocky relationship with her mom and dad and they didn't necessarily see eye to eye on certain topics, they were nevertheless her parents and she knew they'd have her back no matter what.

She pulled out her stationary kit and began writing her own letter back, responding to the questions when appropriate and asking a few of her own, asking how everyone was.

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