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"Tell me just how you managed to melt a spoon!" Y/N yelled at a very guilty looking Sirius

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"Tell me just how you managed to melt a spoon!" Y/N yelled at a very guilty looking Sirius. Remus held the melted metal spoon in one hand and Harry was red from laughing so much that he was doubled over. "Well they didn't necessarily teach me how to cook in Azkaban now did they?" he retorted with his arms crossed.

"A spoon!" she retaliated, not seeing the correlation. He stuck out his tongue at her and stomped away, resorting to sitting at the kitchen table. "A spoon!" she exclaimed to Remus who was consoling his sulking friend. Harry's booming laughter rang out and she couldn't help but laugh with him. "Give me a hug, Moony. She's being mean," he sniffled and flung himself into Remus's arms who hugged him, playing along with Sirius' dramatics.

"I ought to just leave her, right?" he asked just as dramatically. The dark haired man nodded so fast she thought his head might have flown off if he kept it up; maybe then he'd be in the Headless Hunt although Nearly Headless Nick would have been very jealous. "We're through, Y/N," he pointed his nose in the air and she pouted. "You'll come crawling back to me, love," she smirked at him, echoing his words from the other day.

Y/N had come to the realization the night before that neither of the amazing people in the house she has been lucky to spend holiday break with had never really experienced decent family time, so she made the effort in trying to give this to them. It was the least she could do for them.

At five in the afternoon on a Friday, they all stood in the kitchen attempting to cook a nice meal. Well, Y/N was the one who did most of it, but they still helped as much as they could. She had put Sirius in charge of cooking the vegetables, but the spoon he was using to stir them "mysteriously fell in the pan and stayed there." Remus was responsible for chopping up the ingredients and Harry was cooking the sides.

"Go wash up, Harry. It should be done soon," she told the young boy who ran to clean up at once. Sirius got over himself and hugged Y/N. "I forgive you," he told her. Looking at him, she raised an eyebrow, mildly confused at what she was forgiven for. "I forgive you for yelling at me," he clarified. She shoved him off of her (in a playful way of course) "Go clean up, mutt," she muttered. "Aren't you a mutt as well, darling?" Remus pointed out. She narrowed her eyes at him and he held his hands up in surrender.

"You're my favorite mutt," he mouthed to her, as to not make Sirius jealous. She smirked and winked at him.

Music sounded from the piano Remus had enchanted to play on its own and they were sitting at the table together, enjoying the meal that everyone had a part in. Harry and Sirius felt a little emotional that they had never had the privilege to experience such a familial thing in their lives as the people they lived with could care less about them. It seemed like they had enjoyed themselves and that's all she wished for. Something like this had been missing in all their lives, even her. 

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