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She was being chased and they weren't going to stop until they caught her

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She was being chased and they weren't going to stop until they caught her. A strong sense of adrenaline flooded her as she ran through the dark and cold forest as fast as she could without making too much noise. She tried to make sure she stepped on the soft dirt ground instead of the leaves to avoid making anymore noise and risk being caught. There was no light in the forest and it would have been too risky if she used 'Lumos', so she had to rely on her senses and her senses alone to not get killed.

Casting a silencing charm, she pointed it downwards and the noise of her boot clad feet hitting the ground ceased at once. This definitely threw her chasers off because she no longer heard running, but she didn't dare look back. It must have been at least an hour and a half that she'd been running and neither of them were planning on giving up anytime soon. Whatever was chasing her was ferocious and it was not going to stop until it tore into her. 

Spotting a building up ahead, she quickly ran inside the torn down house and straight out the back door. Catching her breath as quietly as possible, an animal emerged confused from the door she had just gone out through and was sniffing the air but didn't get the chance to before she casted a non-verbal spell, sending it flying to a tree. She heard rustling leaves and looked to see various cloaked figures surrounding her. There was no way she was getting out alive. Death Eaters were going to take her away and she'd face repercussions for what had happened at her house.

Her adrenaline seemed to think for her as she first casted at the animal that began to growl viciously, tangling it's limbs and snout with vines that came from the tree it was by. A flash of red whizzed past her and she ducked down before casting at one of them and incapacitating them; four more to go and just maybe she didn't have to face her parents. This thought fueled her even more as she deflected their spells with a flick of a wand. Three more to go. One of them went up in a cloud of smoke and landed behind her, but she quickly casted at it. Two more to go.

The remaining figures looked like they were backing away and she casted at them without a second thought, making them drop dead on the floor. Another growl was heard from the animal and she pointed her wand at it. However, it whined and that's when she knew it had surrendered. Today she wouldn't be facing the people who tried to convert her to a Death Eater.

They were transported back to the room they originally started at in front of Remus and Alastor Moody. "You hesitated, Y/N. Hesitation will get you killed," the man with a fake eye grumbled. Remus helped her from up the floor and she dusted herself off, but it seemed to be caked on her from the part where she was submerged in mud by one of the fake targets. "Your non-verbal spells are decent," he continued and she beamed on the inside. Working with him for a month and a half, she knew that was the closest thing she would get to a compliment from him; he was a very hard man to please. Her non-verbal magic was badass and everyone knew it. Not many people could cast such difficult spells without saying the incantation that followed.

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