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*Slight smut warning ahead

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*Slight smut warning ahead

By any means Y/N was not a morning person- then again, who was? Opening your groggy eyes at the same time that the sun was rising felt almost illegal, but that's what being an adult entails most of the time. Especially when you teach almost three hundred students everyday.

However, waking up to the smell to one of her comfort smells lessened the loathsome process of getting up. She opened her eyes with a groan, but was greeted by her favorite sight. Remus sat at the small table for two, stirring his coffee aimlessly, leg crossed over the other, and was reading the Daily Prophet. He was still in his nightwear and his hair was messier than usual as it stuck up in different directions. Remus Lupin was absolutely breathtaking; there was no debating it.

"Morning," she yawned as she snuggled deeper into the blankets, contemplating staying there forever. Perhaps she'd send an owl to Professor Dumbledore telling him she would not be attending classes because her bed needed her much more than the students who needed an education.

He looked up and flashed his beautiful smile at her. "How did you sleep, love?" he asked her. She looked absolutely adorable with the way she was curled into the blanket and he restrained himself from going to join her as they both knew it would lead to other things they did not have time for on their first day back.

"Well other than being your personal body pillow last night, I would say amazingly," she laughed remembering how she woke up around midnight with his dead weight completely on top of her, practically suffocating her. She literally had to push him off of her, and even then did he barely stir. She was positive he was dead with how quiet he was so she poked his cheek repeatedly until he groaned and opened his eyes for a split second and closed them, snoring at once.

"I must say you are very comfortable," he shrugged. She got up and her feet met the cold tile so she ran to the bathroom immediately as a means to escape the ice cube floor. She poked her head out of the door and looked at Remus, "Care to join me for a shower?" she teased him. He choked and spluttered out the mouthful of coffee he had in his mouth and she giggled. "Is that a yes?" she guessed with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Taking two steps, he reached the bathroom before glancing over at the clock. There was still an hour before breakfast started. Remus was naturally an early riser and often woke up at five in the morning everyday unless it was a few days before or after the full moon. Getting into the shower, she turned the knob to hot in order to warm her body that was covered in goosebumps from the unwelcoming coldness that encased the room. Not even a minute later, the door to the shower opened and Remus stepped in behind her.

Once the water was at the perfect temperature, she pulled Remus into her and they stood under the falling water, their skin absorbing the water and gliding down around them. Standing like this, wrapped in each other and enjoying the moment was utter bliss; they could stay like that forever if time permitted it. Y/N turned around to grab the sponge and soap before turning back again and began to rub all over his body, cleaning him in the most intimate way. They were both at their most vulnerable with each other in this state and it evoked even more trust and appreciation as they worked each other with the soap covered sponge until they both were covered in suds.

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