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Days blurred together and before they knew it, January had come and gone and February, the month of love, was in the air

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Days blurred together and before they knew it, January had come and gone and February, the month of love, was in the air. Students weren't so keen on this month as she had quickly realized. Come to find out this was due to the fact that an old professor by the name of Gilderoy Lockhart had decided on decorating the entire school in pink and red hearts while also having dwarfs dressed as cupids going around and delivering valentines. From Ron, she'd heard that his sister had given Harry a very interesting poem that had been presented in front of dozens of students back in second year and they still teased her for it.

"... and that's the story on how Disneyland, a very popular muggle attraction, almost arrested me," she concluded her story. Students shook with laughter as they got up, handing in their homework from the other day. They said their goodbyes as they walked out the door, but she had noticed a certain pair of twins had stayed behind.

"Mum sent this over for you," George pulled out a parcel that was tied with red and gold lace, forming into a bow at the top. Y/N took it from his hand with a mildly confused look. She had been sending letters back and forth with Molly since their official meeting at Grimmauld place where the older woman had deemed her family, even sending Arthur a rubber duck that Molly claimed he slept with and took with him everywhere. With a look of utter awe, she opened it to reveal a wool sweater that had her initial on it. There was a note resting on the fabric and she picked it up to read:

I saw you wearing this color over Christmas and it looked absolutely lovely on you! As an official member of our family, we decided it was only fitting that you received one of my "famous" sweaters according to the kids. I do hope you enjoy it!


She blinked rapidly to get rid of the knot that had formed in her throat. Clearing her throat, she got up and put on the pumpkin colored sweater on, instantly enveloped in the warmth it provided. She could also pick up faint smells of chocolate and soap, both of the scents mixing in together in perfect harmony. Many times, especially during Christmas, she'd seen the Weasley children and Remus wear the exact same sweater, but with different colors and letters of course. It was such a staple in the Weasley family it might as well have been their family crest: Molly's sweaters.

"Freddie, look! Mum sent her chocolate!" George exclaimed with jealousy, Fred matching his facial expression. "That's not fair!" he exclaimed and tried to grab the box filled with chocolatey goodness. "Back off," she joked. Opening the container of fudge, she offered some to the twins who gladly took some. Putting the small letter in her bag, she smiled to herself and made a mental reminder to thank her a thousand times both in letter and in person.

"So, we also came by because we wanted your opinion on a few things for the joke shop. If everything goes according to plan-" one of them began.

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 • 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin