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It was a sort of unspoken rule as a kid that if you woke up to music being played and the smell of food, it was going to be an amazing day

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It was a sort of unspoken rule as a kid that if you woke up to music being played and the smell of food, it was going to be an amazing day.

Y/N had hardly gotten to experience those luxuries as a kid. While she must admit that her parents were off their rocker lately, she gave credit where it was due. They were very hard working people and she was proud of them even if they didn't verbally express their own pride for their daughter.

It was also an obvious fact that only children were the loneliest and she was a first hand witness in this. She had always wished for a sibling, but never had any. Her childhood days consisted of being woken up by her aunt that took her to school where she was an outcast. Right after, she'd walk back to her house and be alone until her parents came back for dinner. No one to play with and argue.

Hogwarts was the second greatest thing that had happened to her as that's where she met the best group of people. Charlie Weasley, Nova and Cassius Benedict,Willow Cooper and Atticus Green were her second family and it was a shame she didn't see them as often as she'd like, but thats what happens when you graduate.

Life moves on and it doesn't slow down to catch up with old friends. It was reassuring, however, that they often sent owls to each other. From what she gathered, Charlie was working in Romania, Nova worked at Gringotts, Cassius was an auror while Willow and Atticus traveled the world together. It was amazing to know her friends, along with her, had each achieved their dreams.

Ringing laughter broke her out of her thoughts and her heart dropped as she realized Remus wasn't next to her anymore. He was down stairs... with her parents.

"Hell no!" She quickly fumbled with the sheets and sprang out of bed. Brushing her hair and teeth simultaneously, she tried to listen in to what they were saying but failed. She screamed internally and flung herself down the stairs.

Y/N skidded to a halt just before the kitchen entrance to catch her breath- she didn't want it to be obvious she hurried down faster than you could say pumpkin juice. Remus's voice was heard along with her mother's, but she couldn't hear the one of her dad. That somewhat relieved her.

She could only imagine what her mother was telling poor Remus. Probably how she was a nightmare as a baby or about the one time she decided to climb the roof and fell off only to end up literally bouncing on the ground like a ball- how they found out she, indeed, was a witch.

"Good morning, Y/N. How did you sleep?" Her mother beamed at her. This drastic change in attitude made Y/N start to believe that she had dreamt her parents acting weird along change in house decor. Looking around the kitchen, she definitely saw the plain colors that were black and white litter the walls, plates and appliances. Even her mom was already dressed in a very elegant white and black dress paired with heels and her makeup done to perfection.

𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 • 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora