In district twelve, Taehyung's mother had been known as the only doctor, since their district wasn't rich enough for them to really have one. His mother, a self trained healer, would have to do.

It was a good thing that his mother had always been smart with a great will to help people. As soon as people had noticed that, she had unofficially been given the position of a doctor.

It had been her job to try and save the sick. She hadn't excellent at curing ailments, nor had she been particularly good at giving good at giving good advice, but for a place like district twelve, she had to do.

And while she hadn't excelled in everything, his mother had been revolutionary in her own way. She had taken pride in being the perfect doctor for childbirth.

Even at a time where Labour often ended in death for both the baby and the mother, Taehyung's mother had found a way to, in almost all cases, prevent the death of the baby.

No one before her, had been able to do it like her.

In her time as a doctor, Taehyung's mother's heart had always ached when she wasn't able to save the babies.

While she always managed to save the majority, there were still cases where she hadn't had the resources to save the kids. In some rare other cases, there just hadn't been anything anyone could do.

Nevertheless, his mother had started blaming herself, destroying herself and a lot of people around her in her craze of trying to save everyone. It had been terrible, Taehyung recalled that quite vividly.

His father had been a good man who, along with a group of his friends, had sought to help my mother with her condition. With her obsession.

His father and his friends had regularly ventured into the forest to hunt for herbs. Everything had been done in order to help his mother.

It had worked somewhat, as for about two months, Taehyung's mother had finally been content. There had been no deaths in those two months, and eleven successful births.

Taehyung's father had finally been able to breathe freely again. His mother had started smiling again in that period of time, Taehyung remembered.

But it hadn't lasted long and soon, his mother had gotten it into her head that it was her job, and her job alone, to save every single baby that was to be brought into this world.

And for that to work, she had gone down a very dark road. From that point onwards, his mother had only concentrated her efforts on saving the babies. She no longer cared for the mothers.

Something had changed in her as soon as she had made that realization.

Taehyung had started noticing when she no longer had showed any interested in the healthy vegetables he had found. She had snapped at him once, saying that those wouldn't help the babies.

His sister had started noticing the change when the two of them had heard their mother talking about how they could no longer do anything to save her. Taehyung clearly remembered the tears that had slid down Areum's cheeks after their mother had basically given up on her, claiming that there was nothing that could be done for her.

His mother had wanted to devote her life to saving babies, she didn't want to occupy herself with saving her own daughter whose health was deteriorating rapidly.

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