At the Grace's

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Yay! I updated again! This might be the last chapter for a while, unless I think of something else. Enjoy!

"Plan Percabeth is a go!" Thalia exclaimed as she watched Grover, Percy and Annabeth walked up the front steps to her house.

"Yes! Percabeth!" Silena squealed. Beckendorf took a few steps back from his girlfriend. He knew not to bother her while she was fangirling.

There was a knock on the door. Thalia opened it like nothing happened.

"Hey you guys!" She exclaimed. They smiled at her.

"Hey Thals!" Annabeth exclaimed and then hugged her best friend.

"Alright! Everyone's here!" She exclaimed.

"Except Leo," Jason added.

"Exactly, lock all the doors, close all the windows! Go! Go! Go!" Only Zoë, Bianca, and Reyna listened to her, they ran through the house trying to lock all the windows and doors possible.

"Don't worry! McSchnizzle has arrived!" Leo exclaimed, climbing through the final open window. He rolled through and fell to the ground with a hard smack. He laid there unmoving for a minute.

"Yay! He died! Let's throw a party!" Zoë exclaimed.

"Zoë! That's my soulmate!" Calypso scolded.

"And I'm not dead either!" Leo exclaimed. "Thanks for the love!"

"Dam!" Thalia yelled.

"I want some dam fries!" Grover exclaimed. Percy laughed.

"And I still want my dam t-shirt!" Thalia added. Everyone was confused as they watched Thalia, Percy, and Grover laughed.


"Truth or dare time!" Silena squealed.

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I go first?" Percy asked.

"Sure, Percy, you can go first," Piper sighed.

"But Piper-" Jason started.

"No, it doesn't matter who goes first, there are still opportunities for others. It's not like he'll be the only one to go," she hinted. Everyone caught on and nodded.


"Alright, Beckendorf? Truth or dare?"

"Truth, I don't trust you," Beckendorf replied.

"Fine," he thought about it for a moment, "how long did you have a crush on Silena before you found out you were soulmates?"

"Umm... since I was 11," Beckendorf said sheepishly. "We found out we were soulmates when we were 15."

Silena gave him a kiss.

"Awww that's so cute," Hazel said. Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Alright, now it's my turn, Annabeth, truth or dare?"

Annabeth looked at Percy, knowing the plan.


"I dare you and Percy to kiss!" He exclaimed, so proud of himself. What he didn't know is that Percy and Annabeth had prepared for this, all part of the plan.

"What?!" Annabeth pretended to be horrified.

"You have to!" Beckendorf ignored her question.

"No!" Percy exclaimed, pretending to be nervous about it, "why?"

"Just kiss!"

So they did. Annabeth pulled Percy closer to her and kissed him, he kissed back gently, yet desperately. Everyone watched in surprise at the emotion put into the kiss, yet their wrists didn't glow.

They pulled away and everyone was confused and upset. How could they not be soulmates? Annabeth and Percy looked down at their wrists and pretended to be upset. They both forced a frown.

"What?! How?! How are you not soulmates?!" Grover asked on the verge of tears.

"What do you mean?" Percy asked, acting sad.

"Who else could be represented by a blue cookie, an ocean wave, a horse that looks just like Black Jack, and a skateboard?" Thalia questioned. Silena wiped a tear from her eyes. It was that moment that Percy and Annabeth cracked. They broke down laughing.

They group just stared at the two.

"What is going on?" Zoë asked.

"You... you... should've s... seen your faces!" Percy exclaimed in between laughs. Everyone watched, confused.

"You...we're so... so freaked out!" Annabeth laughed, she leaned into Percy's shoulder as she did so, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and leaned into her a bit as well.

"What's going on?" Grover asked.

"We kissed last night. Estelle made us-"

Grover cut off Annabeth. "This is why Estelle is my favorite sibling!"

"I'm right here you know!" Percy exclaimed. Grover ignored him.

"So you've known you were soulmates this whole time!" Piper yelled in surprise. Percy and Annabeth smiled.

"Yep!" Percy turned his head and kissed Annabeth's forehead.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Beckendorf asked.

"We wanted to surprise you," Percy answered, "it was Annabeth's idea."

Annabeth kissed was about to kiss Percy's cheek, but he turned his head and kissed her lips instead. She wasn't complaining though.

Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora